06 April 2013

Feminism Is Hate


Here are a few quotes from leading feminazis. To anyone saying that feminism isn't a hate movement, you're full of you know what! Feminism=hatred of men; it always has, and it always will.  If you are a feminist, then you are a hater; you are just as bad as those in the KKK.


“All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman.” Catherine MacKinnon

I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which a man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He’s just incapable of it.” — Catherine MacKinnon

“I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.” Robin Morgan

“The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.” Sally Miller Gearhart, in The Future - If There Is One - Is Female

“If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males.” Mary Daly, former Professor at Boston College, 2001

“All men are rapists and that’s all they are” Marilyn French Author, “The Women’s Room”


Thanks to Duncan Idaho for posting these here. You see, feminism IS a hate movement; it's always been about hating men, and it always will be. If you call yourself a feminist, you call yourself a hater of men. If you call yourself a feminist, THIS is what you support! Sorry if the truth is inconvenient, but the truth is the truth. Have a nice day now...



Sophia said...

The extremists of any group are full of bitterness and hatred. Feminists and MRAs, atheists and believers, Pagans and Christians, Republicans and Democrats...the most idiotic voices are also the loudest. It is up to us to filter them out and work within our own conscience, for the better of all. This does not excuse what extremists say, only puts forth the advice to not listen to them.

MarkyMark said...


The difference is that the feminists NEVER rebuked their more extreme sisters-never! When someone on the right, or a Christian, etc. gets too far out there, his contemporaries rightly call him out; the feminists never, ever do this.


Sophia said...

I've read numerous articles on Jezebel and Feministing that have the writers speaking against extremists such as Dworkin, Morgan and Mackinnon. Now, if you are waiting for radical Fems to call out radical Fems...you will undoubtedly be waiting forever. But moderates have spoken against these hateful and puzzling statements for a few years now.

I'd also point out that Marilyn French never actually said/endorsed the quote that you have from her. It is simply a line from her book, and is said by a fictional woman whose equally fictional daughter has just been raped. To say that French *herself* said this would be like saying that Stephen King truly believes what he writes about vampires or serial killers.

I'm not saying that I agree with Feminists at all. I am a humanitarian, I am for true equality not superiority of either women or men. I think the truth will win out in the end, but we must be careful to not cloud it with misquotes in the meantime.

"Very few women are capable of empathizing with men. There are about as many women with the ability to empathize with men as there are children who can empathize with adults."

Sophia said...

Sorry, the remainder of my comment got cut off. I was going to also ask why it is hateful for Catherine MacKinnon to say that men are generally lacking in understanding and compassion, but it is *not* hateful for the sexes to be reversed, as it shows in the above comment from Rob Fedders.

Why applaud someone who inaccurately states that "women have no sympathy", while damning someone who says the same exact thing about men? This is what I mean by extremist thought...and how it over generalizes entire groups to the point of caricaturization.

MarkyMark said...


Based on my experience and observation, women do NOT have sympathy-at least not for men. If a man tries to tell his wife that he was falsely accused of sexual harassment at work, she'll take the woman's side, not his; she'll blame him, thinking he'd 'done something'.

Also, try discussing with women how unfair family court is to men during divorces; try explaining how unjust the child support awards are. You know what you get? You'll get accusations about trying to evade your responsibilities, not being a man, etc.; you won't even get an acknowledgement that an injustice occurred, let alone sympathy! I know, because I've tried having these discussions in the past.


MarkyMark said...


Just so you know, Blogger instituted a 4096 character limit to comments some time ago. Why, I don't know, but they did. Anyway, that's why your comment got cut off. If it happens again, you could just say 'Part I', 'Part II', and so on. Hope this helps!


Sophia said...

First, thank you for letting me know about the character limit. I'll keep that in mind from now on, certainly.

Secondly, I am sorry about the previous discussions you've had. I feel some of your frustration as I've tried to have these talks with other women myself. Like your friend Robin, I too have felt the sting of disapproval from my fellow females...even back as far as 8th and 9th grade. Due to this, I saw what I *could* become, were I to give up my tomboyish ways and rational, compassionate thoughts. Is it any surprise that I feared for my sanity and forsake female companionship since then, in favor of true and honest male friendships?

Again, it is simply that I have an intense distrust of generalizations, especially towards a single group. In the same way a woman can come to believe "all men are rapists" if she has a horrific sexual experience...so too can a man feel that "all women are greedy liars" if he is dragged through an unfair divorce. In each case, a single person's misdeed is taken and expanded to fit the whole of the sex. Obviously, this is wrong.

In my younger days, I had atrocious experiences with men. My father was married to my mother, but was an abusive drunk and compulsive liar. My mother remarried, this time to an upstanding community man who seemed perfect...but sexually and emotionally abused me for 8 years. I think I'd be well within my rights to be, at the very least, scared/distrusting of men, and perhaps I *would* be were it not for the fact that I am able to view these as individual actions. Some males hurt me deeply, and I will always carry these numerous scars...but never would I be so cruel as to falsely believe my friends are the same as my tormentors. As such, I tend to expect the same decency from others, including MRAs who are often too quick to say that "all women are like that".

Generalizations are helpful at times, but harmful at others. It is only a truly adult mind that can know when to speak of a majority while still recognizing the individual.

Anonymous said...

I have 3 sisters. I can relate to sophia. But I also have a girlfriend, markymark is on the mark. Girls are.. not the brightest and clueless... they act like a herd. foolishly. but thats all in her past.