26 April 2013

Barbarosssaaa on Game


Thanks to Rex Patriarch for posting this video.  Barbarosssaaa, MGHOW extraordinaire, hits one out of the park with this one!  Though all his stuff is good, this exceeds his usual standard of excellence.  Enjoy...

PUAs can do whatever they want; it would be nice if they had the decency to return the courtesy...



MackPUA said...

Meh, more proof basically barbarossa doesnt know jack shit about game ...

Seriously why are MRA's so against PUA's & game, theyre not the ones jailing & frivorcing men ...

Richard said...

I'll pick this video apart tomorrow.

barbara-oso is another fraud like Paul Elam.

CS said...

Good find Mark.

TaxExile said...

Look. Either you believe pussy or GOD. Guess which one was created below.

Sophia said...

What in the world?

Sophia said...

Nice vid. I do enjoy Barb's stuff. His one on chivalry was awesome!