02 March 2012

Obama Administration WANTS High Energy Prices!


The Obama Administration has relentlessly pursued policies to drive up the price of energy. We feel this every time we refuel our cars. Since Obama has taken office, the price of gasoline has DOUBLED. He and his Secretary of Energy want prices even higher! Secretary Chu stated back in 2008 that he wanted us to pay the same prices Europeans pay at the pump-about $10 a gallon at the time. Yeah, Obama and his minions want us all driving Smart Cars, and by golly, they'll FORCE us to do it!

So, how's that "hopey changey thing" working for you? Until next time...



Anonymous said...

Petrol hasn't gone up at all since 1970 when it was 50 cents a gallon which is like $4 in today's money. In the US it has always been extremely cheap and was mostly pumped from well here.There's also a much higher demand due just from the fact that the world population has doubled and many countries have become industrialised.
Develope high performance vehicles with fast charging batteries and get the power for the electricity from cheap nuclear power plants. But there's really no shortage of oil in the world. The "environmentalists" are just useful idiots being used by the oil companies and perhaps even the government to protest oil drilling thereby keeping oil prices at a certain level otherwise there would be a glut of oil and the prices would drop.
I like that clip by Judge Nepolitano but it's what I've been saying for years.There's no real democracy in the US and this is all just a show the dems and republicans put on every 4 years wherethey pretend to fight each other to give the illusion to the dumb proles that they actually have a choice and their vote matters. The republicans raped the treasury for 8 years under Bush so now the dems get their chance to do the same for 8 years.

Anonymous said...

If the Smart Cars and other related technology are so wonderful, why doesn't the government set the example by using these technologies for government business such as law enforcement and the military?

Until I see battery-powered police cars chase down modified V8 street racers, I am not convinced.

Why doesn't the military use energy-efficient, solar-powered gliders to fight enemy aircraft instead of fighter jets? Imagine how much fuel those high-tech jets need...

Why doesn't the President himself use a battery-powered limo? Or better yet, a bullet-proof bicycle? (Think about that one.)

Common sense would show that the energy-efficient technology is not ready for reality (yet). We would lose wars and the street racers would escape.

Yet, common sense is no longer common. Instead, it's easier to make the populace comply with colorful, plastic Fisher Price toolkits while BigGov keeps the power tools.

Anonymous said...

A number of times, I hear Americans bash socialist Europe "and all those other foreigners" -- especially France.

Yet, America (with socialist policies, regulations, more big government, and loss of privacy and freedom in the name of "safety") is on the path to becoming just like them.

djc said...

Yup! I've always said the only way to get real change is to draw blood. It's the only thing that has ever worked.

Anonymous said...

Something for the peak oil fanbots to consider ... something like 70% of world's current oil production is owned and extracted by governments and their proxies. Examples abound: Aramco in Saudi Arabia, National Iranian Oil Co in Iran, the emirate in UAE, Pemex in Mexico, Petrobras in Brazil, PDVSA in Venezuela, etc., just to cite the largest ones. A lot of these governments are extracting so much cash from the oil trade for other purposes that they are not putting enough back in for infrastructure maintainance and new field development. Consequently, there is not nearly the exploration work that's needed to keep current fields going and find the new fields necessary to keep/increase production levels. Venezuela is particularly bad in this respect and it's relevant because something like 15% of our imported oil comes from that country. On top of that, most of the government-run companies are inefficiently managed compared to the private sector. There's a lot more to it than that, but that will do in a nutshell.

However, high oil prices are in the interest not only of the Obama administration, but also of the big banker boys on Wall Street. Further, they act as a foreign policy tool, aimed in particular at the Chinese.

Anonymous said...

Marky Mark:

If possible could you do a post on "Khankrumthebulgar" whom recently passed away.

It would be greatly appreciated by men like myself whom really looked up to him.

Thank-you for considering this.

Gary from Jersey said...

Yeah. He's pumping money to his Wall Street pals under the "liquidity" guise and they in turn are running up prices on the futures market. Guess who's getting the big campaign contributions?

Kai said...

It's unfortunate you fall so easily to this kind of propaganda. I mean, you're good at recognizing feminist bias. But you so easily fall prey to right wing propaganda.

MarkyMark said...


How did I fall for right wing propaganda? Didn't Barack Obama say he WANTED high gas prices? Hasn't his energy secretary, Steven Chu, said the same? Hasn't Secretary Chu, back in 2008, say that we 'need to find a way to get gas prices closer to those in Europe?' How am I falling for propaganda when all I did was listen to the WORDS of Messrs. Obama and Chu, then juxtaposed them with their actions? Seems that I'm just looking at the truth here...
