09 March 2012

Gay Men & Women NOT Natural Allies, by AndyBob


I just awoke from a happy bachelor nap here earlier this afternoon.  Being a bachelor, I can do that; I can do whatever I want, when I want, and how I want.  Why?  Because I'm single, and I don't have a nagging bitch to make me miserable, or make my home a miserable place to be; that's why!

Anyway, I was reading through the Happy Bachelor forum (what a treasure trove of men's wisdom resides there-wow!) when I came across this Spearhead piece you're about to read.  Since The Spearhead runs a lot of stuff, and since I'm busy, I don't get to read everything they run; in fact, I'm lucky if I read one out of every five pieces they run on there.  I missed this the first time around (February of last year), so I'm going to share it with my readers now.  Here's Andybob telling us why gay men and women are NOT natural allies.  Enjoy...


It would shock many regulars at ‘The Spearhead’ to know just how little regard gay men and women of all stripes have for each other. There seems to be some stereotype which gets perpetrated in the media (watch any reality show or chick movie) in which women always have some sycophantic fag hanging on her every word and enabling all of her drama crap.

Like everyone else, I can only speak about my own life, experiences and observations. To begin with, I have very few women friends for the following reasons:

- As a gay man, there is nothing a woman can get from me. I have nothing any of them want. I can’t be manipulated, controlled or strung along with bs promises of sex. So, serving no purpose to them, I am invisible.

- Because I want nothing from them, I don’t have to put up with any of their shit. They will be pulled up for flaky, selfish and unreasonable behaviour. They don’t like that at all. Women seem to be strangers to criticism. What are they going to do? Accuse me of being gay? Code Pink? Check-mate bitch!

- I am now in my 40′s and have seen so many of my straight male friends hurt, betrayed and defrauded by seemingly ‘nice’ females, that I can no longer trust them at all. I have a straight twin brother who has been through chick hell. He has always accepted and supported me every day of my life and I return that support. So, I have introduced him to men’s rights blogs. The shared experiences of all types of men has been both strengthening and inspiring for both of us. Wish you were here 20 years ago!

- I am always deeply angered when any female assumes that I will side with her when some dispute arises. Firstly, I don’t like being involved with other people’s shit. Secondly, it is always the woman who is in the wrong anyway (and I do mean always). Finally, gay or not, I am a man and identify with men as I experience life from a male perspective.

- I have been able to view many women in their unguarded moments and it is not a pretty sight. I am so disgusted by their lack of honesty, loyalty and integrity that I no longer choose to be in their company (except for a very small number – and I would never entirely trust any of them).

None of my gay male friends like or trust women either. Dealing with them in the workplace makes for many funny stories. God they hate fags! They can’t even get you for sexual harassment. None of their feminatrix fanoodlings have any leeway when it comes to dealing with us – and it drives them fucking spare – fun to watch. Never occurs to them just to be human beings who do their jobs properly.

This has been a bit off-topic, but I wanted to make clear that while the mangina/female apologist tag may be spot-on for many gay men, it certainly doesn’t include a huge % of gay men. Many of us are just as sick-to-fucking-death of entitlement bitches refusing to take responsiblilty and fucking over decent men (our fathers, brothers, nephews and friends). There but for the grace of God…
Finally, gay men and homely feminist hamburger critics (I mean, really?!) are no more likely to see eye-to-eye on body image issues than any other topics – and that includes the cruel obsenity that feminism has become.

Don’t give up guys. Your support is much wider than you ever suspected.


That was powerful stuff, amen?  Now that I'm fully rested, I think I'll take my scooter for a ride...



Anonymous said...

Hey congrats: You've made the Southern Poverty Law Center's haters list!

You anti nazi nazi you!


Carry on, nothing to see here.

You would think the anti-nazi's would have some thought about anti-nazi like activity,instead of JOINING THEM.

Anonymous said...

I strongly believe that the gay sector represent a support base of enormous value to the MRM.

Being men, they are in the same boat as the rest of us. The law considers them to be of lower social standing than your average entitlement princess's poodle, just like the rest of us. They cannot do the intangible trade-off "at least I get pussy", which makes so many men weak at the knees when it comes to getting real about their political and legal servitude.

Gay men get nothing except the legal marginalization of all men, unless they somehow represent themselves as gay minority first, and male last. A sorry compromise that Andybob has clearly stated as one many are not at all happy with.

Then there is the cred that feminists gain by politically linking themselves with gay rights, even though they hate their male guts. Even though they especially hate the way a gay man is impervious to their manipulation and bullying.

We could have that cred. The right of men to ignore women and live apart from them in every way is something we should be supporting. We should not assume that supporting other men to live their own lives how they want to means we make that same choice.

I support freedom. I support men and their own lifestyle choices. From what I see around the MRM, the vast majority of men support gay men and value them as brothers against the same evil influence taking control of states throughout the Western world, and which would throw us all through a macerator for the crime of being male.

-Rob Case

MarkyMark said...

Yeah, I'm a burr in some liberal, feminazi, PC fascist's saddle-yeah, buddy! That made my day when I found that out. And to think I was going to quit writing here...

Burton said...

Some thoughts:

[Women] will be pulled up for flaky, selfish and unreasonable behaviour.

What I see are too many heterosexual men being the victims of AW's flakiness, selfishness and unreasonable behavior. Why? Because men are too busy pursuing vaginae to see that freight train coming right at them. A nd of course, there is the media-societal myth that somewhere out there is Ms Pwincess Rite (aka Dejah Thoris to John Carter).

What are they going to do? Accuse me of being gay?

Good one!

I am now in my 40′s and have seen so many of my straight male friends hurt, betrayed and defrauded by seemingly ‘nice’ females, that I can no longer trust them at all.

Indeed. This is something I have observed. Women are not worthy of trust. This is not meant so much as a criticism but rather a statement of female nature. Concepts such as honor and loyalty are male concepts. I've seen too many females turn against their men on the basis of hormones or herd pressure.

Secondly, it is always the woman who is in the wrong anyway (and I do mean always).


Consider the fraud that feminism presents. Start with the endless lies about raype and DV statistics. Continue on through "gender wage gaps." And then go over the deep end with feminist rewriting of history into a quasi-Marxist fairy tale.

Then ask yourself if females today can be "right" given feminist antipathy to logic. Since feminism is the prevailing ideology among Western women, inevitably feeeeeeeelings and emotions will take precedence over reality.

I have been able to view many women in their unguarded moments and it is not a pretty sight. I am so disgusted by their lack of honesty, loyalty and integrity that I no longer choose to be in their company (except for a very small number – and I would never entirely trust any of them).

I've seen the female facade drop, also. What is underneath is not pleasant. And again, too many men have this idealized image of women, in part due to their fantasies, in part due to media agitprop.

Consider the danger presented to any man by having a wife or live-in girlfriend: false charges of everything; loss of 50% of wealth if she walks out; supporting other men's children; and the endless mindless games.

Amazing, is it not, how AW were once considered the highpoint of women on this planet -- yet these decadent days have made themselves a liability to men.

Don’t give up guys. Your support is much wider than you ever suspected.


The internet is an incredible weapon in the ongoing cyberwar for MRA liberation.