31 December 2011

What Schools USED to Teach


As you know, I've been digging around the net, finding my old posts, and backing them up.  It's been a slow, laborious process, and I expect it to remain that way.  As I was digging through my old posts, I came across this one.  It was from a commenter whose handle was Civilla.  She was home maker married to a retired military man if I remember correctly.  I couldn't link to her post on this, because her blog is now open to invited readers only; I seem to remember her getting SICK & TIRED of feminazis bothering her, so I can't blame her for limiting access.  Isn't it funny how feminazis bitch about choice, but they won't allow other women to exercise THEIR choice to live a traditional lifestyle like Civilla does?  In any case, I won't be adding my commentary, as there is nothing I CAN add. Read it and weep, People...


Read this post to see how far we've come as far as manners and dress go. My brother's wife, Marty, recently sent me a couple of boxes of old stuff that she found in the attic of my parent's house.

Rummaging through the boxes of mementos -- dolls, photographs, nick-nacks, books and papers, I came across this little booklet: "Eastport (N.Y.) High School, Student Handbook 1969-1970. It was mine when I was a senior in high school during that school year. (This was public school, by the way.)

Page 14 started a chapter on "Citizenship and Manners at School". I will print the chapter in its entirety, although is a little lengthy, to show what was expected of public school students back then, and to show how far we've come.


The five Trustees of the Eastport Board of Education were elected by the school districts' qualified voters to govern the operation of our school. The Principal, as educational leader of the program, holds responsibility in the implimentation of all regulations. The Board must require high standards of conduct and appearance if we are to create an atmosphere within the school that will insure the best possible learning conditions.

While respecting individual student rights and responsibilities, the Principal, in his traditional role, is obliged to support and defend what furthers the "common good" and common standards of the community. When individual behavior, action, or dress undermines or is detrimental to these purposes and tends to negate the learning environment of the school, such actions must be limited by the school authorities -- board of education, and district principal.

Therefore, in conjunction with the purposes and climate needed to conduct school properly, the school should set reasonable standards of behavior and dress for its students.The importance of being a good citizen at school and elsewhare cannot be overemphasized.

Our school's reputation is the responsibility of each student as he or she demonstrates habits of citizenship and manners. The following regulations have been developed to assist students in learning accepted standards:

1. Smoking is prohibited in the school building, on the grounds or on any school sponsired trip. This habit is injurious to health and should be discouraged, especially for young people. Enrolled students may not carry matches or smoking materials to school or on any school trip. Offenders will be reported to the principal for punishment.

2. Chewing gum or candy may only be used in the Dining Hall. It is not courteous to use it in class, therefore, it is forbidden.

3. Dress appropriately whenever you are at school. This evidence of respect for your educational institution will bring rewards to all of us in our school's reputation.


1. No jeans above Grade 8.

2. Shirt buttons closed except top button when worn without tie.

3. At all socials -- shirt, tie, and suit coat are required.

4. Hair is to be cut to give a neat manly appearance.

5. If a shirt has tails, they should be tucked in pants.

6. One must respect himself before others will respect him. Being neat and clean generates a respect for you in others.


1. Girls should give a ladylike impression; therefore slacks, shorts, etc., are not permitted. Skirts should be suitable for school use.

2. Makeup should be appropriate for teenagers. This means no eye makeup except at formal dances in reasonable degree.

3. Hair should be groomed to give a neat appearance; of course this means no curlers, etc.

4. Large dangling earrings are not to be worn during the regular school day.

If in doubt concerning proper dress, makeup, etc., please consult the school nurse-teacher.

Students should use please, thank you, and pardon me, whenever necessary. These phrases are verbal courtesies which are an evidence of good manners.

In a school which houses children in the Kindergarten as well as elementary and upper grades, it is very important to consider the little people. Holding doors and walking (not running) in corridors and to the buses are essential for safety.


Upper graders are not to go near the Kindergarten windows, at any time during the school day. Visitors to the Kindergarten must first get a pass at the office. Students from other grades should not use the kindergarten playground or equipment.


There's no place like home for practicing good manners. A few simple rules will make life much pleasanter for you and your family.

Be your own "picker-upper". Put magazines, books, and games in their proper places.

Don't drape your clothes over chairs. Hang them where they belong.

Improve your table manners. (Look for hints in this book.)

Don't invite guests for meals or stay overnight without first getting permission from your mother and from their mothers.

Respect the property and privacy of the other people in your family.


If you're having a party, always remember to...

See that your guests are introduced to each other.

Make sure that everyone has something to do and is not left out of any games.

Tell your best frients to be extra nice to the shy ones and those who are strangers to the group.

If you are invited to a party...

Answer your invitation as soon as you can.

Arrive on time.

Take part in any games that have been planned.

Be friendly and polite to everyone.


It's easy to introduct people properly if you follow a few simple rules.

Introduce a man to a woman -- "Miss Jones, may I introduce Mr. Smith?"

Introduce a young person to an older person -- "Mrs. Grant, this is "Sue Brown. Mr. Kean, this is Kenneth Haines."

Introduce your friends to your mother -- "Mother, this is Helen Parker and John West."

The same rule follows for introducing friends to your father, although you may use the "ladies first" idea and say, "Jean, have you met my father?"

Introduce everyone to a clergyman -- "Dr. Brown or Father O'Brien or Rabbi Grant, may I present my mother?"


It's bad manners to link arms and walk three or four abreast on a crowded sidewalk or to go into a huddle with your friends so that others have trouble getting past you. Also, remember not to stare or point at anyone and never talk or laugh so loudly that you attract attention.


Don't monopolize the phone!

Other members of your family have a right to use the telephone, too. Try to keep your phone calls short. If you must have a long conversation, be sure no one else has to use the phone.

Keep a pad and pencil by the telephone, so that you can write down messages and be sure to be polite to everyone who calls. Ask if the call should be returned and be sure to write down the name and phone number.


Whenever possible, use the fork rather than any other piece of silver. Use the knife only for foods which cannot be cut with a fork and the spoon only for foods too soft to be eaten with a fork.

Hold the spoon just above the center of its handle so it rests on the middle finger and is guided by the thumb and forefinger.

Hold the fork as you do the spoon when eating, and in your left hand, prongs down while cutting. Lift food on the hollow, curved side of prongs. Use the knife only for cutting, never to carry food to the mouth. Lay knife and fork on the right outer rim of the plate when you're finished.


If the table is set correctly, you'll have no trouble selecting the right tool. Begin at outside and work in. 1. Napkin, 2. Salad Fork, 3. Fork, 4. Plate, 5. Knife, 6. Dessert Spoon, 7. Teaspoon, 8. Cup and Saucer, 9. Glass, 10. Breat-and-Butter Plate, 11. Butter Knife.


Do eat slowly and quietly.

Do keep your mouth closed when it contains food.

Always keep your elbows off the table.

Remove your spoon from a cup or tall dish.

Always try to eat whatever you are served.

Do break bread and rolls into small pieces before buttering.


Don't chew with your lips open.

Don't reach across the table or in front of anyone (politely ask for anything out of reach).

Don't tuck the napkin under your chin (unfold it partially and put it across your lap).

Don't ever blow your food to cool it.

Don't play with your food.

And, in another chapter, some suggestions for successful studying:


1. Develop regular habits of work.

2. Study at definite times each day.

3. Keep your goal in mind when you start.

4. Review your work as you progress.

5. Begin each day at your scheduled time. Don't wait for inspiration. Discipline yourself to work on schedule. Ideas will come.

6. Have good surroundings for study: a quiet place to work, a table with good light, all needed equipment within reach.

7. Do only one job at a time. Let the T.V. or your family's conversation go for the moment.


1. Take only those notes you will need later.

2. Analyze your own weaknesses and concentrate upon weak points first.

3. Review sensibly. Schedule your time well. Try to see your problem as a whole. Organize the entire subject in a logical and orderly fashion.


1. Keep cool. It's too late to fret when the examination is before you.

2. Read all questions over before answering any of them.

3. Don't wait for inspiration on the hard questions. Begin at once on the easy questions and let your subconscious mind do some of the preparing for you.

4. Neither hurry nor waste time. Ask the instructor for the number of minutes left, if necessary.

5. Allot time sensibly. Don't give undue attention to a question worth a few points.

6. Read the question and be sure you understand what it says.

7. Check your paper carefully before you hand it in.


Thought provoking, isn't it? As I said in my comment to this post, we've come a long way, Baby-the WRONG way! Have a good night...



Mike43 said...

Well, I graduated HS in 1974, and it had broken down by then. We had a smoking bathroom and drugs were starting to be a problem.

On the other hand, I did have to write a series of rigorous papers and complete a good math sequence.

But it was evident that the era of great public education was ending.

tiredofitall said...

Graduated in 1995, and our teachers were happy when only half of the girls asses were visibly hanging out of their "skirts" and their nipples were just covered by a low-cut top.

Well...at least the female teachers were happy then. The guys enjoyed the show as much as anyone else did.

What can I say? On the ride to hell as long as you had a good view from your seat in the handbasket at least it wasn't boring.