27 December 2011

An Excellent Post ALL Should Read!


Rob Fedders' is updating his "No Ma'am" blog again; he's put a GREAT post up! Even if he didn't update it, I'd still leave the link up, because he has so much GOOD stuff on there that answers a lot of questions reasonable people may have. If you want to know why men aren't working as hard as they used to, he'll tell you. Men don't have the same stake in society that they used to have, and Rob lays it all out as to why. This post should be REQUIRED READING FOR EVERYBODY-especially feminists! While you're at it, spend some time there reading the rest of his posts too; you'll learn more there than you EVER learned in school...



Carnivore said...

Fedder's post covers only one aspect of marriage, but he does it very well. One of the key takeaways is that bachelors need very little to survive and be happy. A wife and kids causes a man to work in overdrive, benefiting not only himself and his family, but society overall. Kill that, and society will be on a downward trend. Don't see it changing anything. I'm not aware of any nation historically which was able to pull itself out of the downward trend once it has gotten to the point it has with the West today.

I'm convinced that our ruling elite have gotten a rude awakening. That's the reason for all the "man up" articles that have been popping up over the last year.

Zorro said...

Along with Carnivore, I strongly think the US (and Japan, according to AVfM) are heading into a serious economic and population problem. When men in such numbers check out of the high-productivity program, it bodes disaster for the economy in 30 years. Serious fucking disaster. Like tens of millions of pensioners and SS-drawing elderlies and damn few people paying taxes to support the nanny state.

Their first line of defense is to shame men by crying "man up." When that dries up (and it will), they will have to face the destructive forces of femNaziism and start making life better for men.

Wait about 30 years. The Misandry Bubble is far from bursting point.

little dynamo said...

Their first line of defense is to shame men by crying "man up."\

yeah this was the first (semi)public recognition that Yes There Is A Problem (amerikan society is croaking) and the predictable initial reaction of the matriarchy is to try to shame men back onto the plantation (after forcing them off for half a century while cheering)

When that dries up (and it will), they will have to face the destructive forces of femNaziism and start making life better for men.

no indeed, wont happen -- too much power, ego, and especially money are already wrapped up in the western gynocracies

instead, the apartheid against boys and men will increase -- not only in the u.s. but across the globe

Anonymous said...

I know everything I need to know but it's amazing that most young men do not and need lessons in these things. Personally I don't have problems with females but I still always had the attitude of what am I getting out of something.All of these things that people give about what you should be doing in life, and brainwash youth with mean nothing to me. I don't care about the next generation or about what happens to society since I'll be dead and forgot. All of the things that people worry about and think are so important will mean nothing one day.