07 May 2013

Chris in Oregon's Thoughts on America's Loss of Men


Many of us have said that Christopher in Oregon should have his own blog, and this post will show us why. In this post, which was a comment to a post I made long ago, Chris talks about how & why America has lost its manhood. His comment was in response to a question I had for Anna's comment about America losing her men. I asked how so, since I wasn't sure of what she'd meant. Chris answered my question, and he did so powerfully & persuasively. Chris, my friend, I hope you get your own blog one of these days...



America IS losing its men, and through a number of different ways. Many men have been emasculated by society and/or their wives/mothers. Many men have retreated from women and responsibilities after having been shafted by their wives. Many other men, like both you and I, have simply withdrawn, and live for ourselves even though we never married.

Men increasingly no longer take any interest in what happens to our society, and even less when it comes to family and wives. There has been a fundamental withdrawing of men from their traditional roles, and it's only going to become more pronounced. Soon, women will only have the government to turn to, as men will have all but completely walked away.

Traditionally, American men have always been patriotic. If we felt there was a threat to our country, we usually willingly fought to protect our society, and our families from any external threat.

I was discussing war and the military and the like with some conservative friends of mine recently. The question was asked, more or less, "Since feminism changed our society completely, which of us would be willing to fight in the military to defend the U.S.?"

(Or, as Makow put it recently, "Would you take a bullet for a feminist?")

Funny thing. We're all gun-toting, traditional conservatives, and a pretty rational, sober lot of thinkers. All of us started laughing, and the conversation got real serious fast. We all agreed that because women, and also the state and the church, have turned against men so viciously, none of us would be willing to lay down our lives to fight for the U.S.

We all made comments along the lines that we felt the U.S. should just rot, and women should enjoy the fruits of their labors. In other words, let women fight the next war. The conversation was pretty sobering. Every one of us said, essentially, "Fuck women. Let them take care of themselves."

Yeah, let them take care of themselves indeed! After all, women have been crowing about how they can do anything a man can do, and do it better, etc.

Twenty years ago, this type of talk would never have gotten off the ground. I would never have talked that way, either. Women will never realize what they have lost until it's too late, and it's too late now.

I know what you mean how, twenty years ago, how such talk would never have gotten off the ground. We would have been ASHAMED to talk that way; it would have been heresy! I never would have talked that way, either, Chris. That said, that's how I feel; I couldn't give damn about women anymore. If they're not blood relatives or one of the FEW decent women I know, then they can rot in hell as far as I'm concerned...

I have to commute around town quite often by bus, and we also have a very extensive light rail and street car system, as well. It never ceases to amaze me how rarely men allow women to board the train or bus first, and how they almost never offer their seats to women, ESPECIALLY the younger (under 40ish) ones. I was raised to always be chivalrous, and I still marvel at the changes in men. So often the women, young and old, look so bewildered when men push past them to grab a seat. Nobody seems to care.

I never offer my seat to women anymore, either; even if she's pregnant, I won't offer my seat. Why do so, when she probably got knocked up by some bad boy? Why give up a seat to her, when she'd probably SPIT at a good guy who surrendered his seat for her? She probably views such conduct as weakness anyway?

If I were to see a REAL lady, then I might be inclined to offer my seat to her.  Then again, real ladies have gone the way of the Dodo bird; they're all but extinct now.  What is a lady?  For me, it's like pornography; I know one when I SEE one.  Since we men should want to reinforce good behavior amongst women, then we should reward them for it-though it rarely happens these days...

Ah, well. This is just the beginning. Do you remember that mass murder that took place at a University in Canada in '89, I believe, when the killer told all of the men, both students and faculty, to leave the room, and then proceeded to kill most of the female students. Interesting stuff. None of the men made any attempt to protect the women, and ALL of them just walked away knowing the women were going to be killed. Makow wrote about that recently.

I believe you're referring to Marc Lepine. Well, women said that they no longer wanted those brutish, masculine, sexist, chauvinist pigs, right? They said that they wanted us to be sensitive, new age guys, didn't they? Seems to me like they got what they said they wanted...


Ah, well. Women are just beginning to reap the benefits of their freedom. What does the Bible say about reaping what you sow....?

Galatians 6:7 says: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

Just wait, ladies, until men go from being indifferent about your plight to hating you. My, oh, my. Now, THAT should be entertaining.

Yes, it WILL be entertaining! I will be rejoicing with much schadenfreude as this unfolds...

Kinda sucks, eh?

Not really-not when bitches will be getting their just deserts...

Christopher in Oregon


That was a good post, and I enjoyed interspersing my thoughts amongst Chris'...



CS said...

Take a bullet for a feminist? I wouldn't take a paper cut for a feminist, LOL. And besides the question is invalid because feminists don't need men, they can defend themselves. Right?

Mrs. Anna T said...

I'll sum it up this way: I am grateful for all the men who weren't lost, but I understand those who were.

Anonymous said...

We're all gun-toting, traditional conservatives... none of us would be willing to lay down our lives to fight for the U.S....Twenty years ago, this type of talk would never have gotten off the ground

With you there, bro. What a difference 20 years makes. If a foreign power invaded NOW, I would bury my guns, stand aside, and LET THEM CONQUER. I will not lift a finger to resist until AFTER the US gov't has been obliterated.

Then... and only then... does the "Red Dawn" war start...

earl said...

Take a bullet for a feminist???

She would probably say I was a being a chauvinist pig for displaying protection skills. She can protect herself just fine...thank you.

patriarchal landmine said...

bear with me, because I know how people get when we talk about the crazy motives of mass murderers.


"He had long complained about women working in non-traditional jobs, and after separating men and women in a classroom, he shot the women, claiming that he was fighting feminism. He then moved into other parts of the building, targeting women as he went, before killing himself. His suicide note blamed feminists for ruining his life."

back in my blue pill days, I would have written him off as a random wackjob lunatic suffering from a cerebral defect. I mean, yeah... he massacred a bunch of people, so that would go without saying. the point is, reading between the lines on this article reveals a lot of the same old female shaming language we normally see in modern society. and when you think about it, what would be the normal reaction of a generation of men who are told since infancy that they are evil rapists that can't be trusted by society at large? we end up psychologically damaged and spend the rest of our lives trying to figure out the difference between truth and fiction, right and wrong.

"Lépine's actions have been variously ascribed to psychiatric diagnoses such as personality disorder, psychosis, or attachment disorder, or societal factors such as poverty, isolation, powerlessness, and violence in the media. The massacre is regarded by criminologists as an example of a hate crime against women, and by feminists and government officials as misogynist attack and an example of the larger issue of violence against women."

oh yeah, of course.

Truth said...

"they almost never offer their seats to women"

Interesting you should mention that. Not that long ago I stood to offer my seat to an older woman who was obviously having trouble standing. Almost the second I was out of the seat, this skaky broad slides her fat ass in, I say to the older woman, "would you like my seat" while grabbing the skank by her arm and twisting her out of the seat then when she was on the floor getting in her face and saying, "if you ever try to take the seat of a lady again, I will wring your filthy neck".

The older woman was grateful and the skank just glared at me... I was so tempted to shatter her arm because she pissed me off that much. I love women - but cannot stand the ones that think they are owed something - which seems to be more and more of them... Some of the younger ones are still sweet and I enjoy them, but overall my tolerance is wearing thin...

The other skanks gave me a wide berth...

Anonymous said...

Elaborating a bit on yesterday's comment...

In the late 70s/early 80s, when I was a teenager, there were still strong and recognizable remnants of the old America, at least in my corner of California. And when "RED DAWN" came out in 1984, the idea that teenage boys would take up arms and fight, was perfectly plausible — since I had just spent the last several years planning to do exactly that; I learned to shoot, practiced survival skills,studied the terrain, etc.

(Decades later I had the experience of getting to know an Afghani who was a teenager when the Soviets invaded, and quite literally lived "Red Dawn" for real. Let's just say, that was very interesting...)

And I know I’m not the only one. Even in liberal California, there were plenty of other hardcores like me. We loved America, and America loved and cared for us, and we would fight to preserve her.

America doesn’t love us any more. America doesn’t even like us any more. Today the dead corpse of America is animated by an enemy, alien zombie spirit, which clearly hates us with a passion. So, this is why I say that, today, if the Russians or the Chinese invaded (and if you believe the Youngbrandt and Hoffman prophecies, they soon will), I’d bury my guns, stand aside, and let them conquer -- and not take up arms against the invader until AFTER the US gov’t. had fallen.

Penrose said...

It's hard to tell how the majority of young men feel about women but if 4chan is any indication of how younger generations view women than the future does not look pleasant. The opinions seem to range from "fuck feminism" to "I hate all women." It's possible that the feminist mothers have raised an angry, misanthropic group of misogynists. That damn of masculinity will not be constrained forever. Eventually, it will brake and all that's been built to hold it back will be washed away.

The current game of gender rules is like whack'a'mole. The feminist hammer attempts to smash down any masculinity wherever it occurs yet it always springs up again. When the masculine is not being given a social outlet for its will to power, it will find an anti-social one.

With young males so detached from society, deprived of jobs, children, and marriage there is no reason to maintain a society. The misanthrope is born when he realizes that he failed to achieve success under the current social order. Logically, he must destroy the current order and create one in which he can succeed.

As terrible as the drugging of children, and boys in particular is, it is not a sign of a stable system. The same is true of the post boston bombing lockdown. Troops on the street is a sign of a government losing control.

The anger is growing every day. Particularly among young men. "I am woman hear me roar," cries the feminists. And they believe they're powerful. They believe they're dangerous. Wait till they see men roar.

MarkyMark said...

Wait till they see men roar indeed!

Anonymous said...

Feminism roars and women liken it unto a lion. Men hear it like it really is as a brey and liken feminists unto a jackass.

Cole said...

Outstanding post as usual, CIO. You summed up perfectly how a lot of us young men feel about the sorry state of women in this country; about a government that has turned against us; and about a civilization in which we have no stake. Let it burn to the ground, I say! Let it burn!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just treat the fems like this


Anonymous said...


I just be a-blushing all over de place......

Call me sometime this week, as I'll be on vacation. Mostly travelling to central Oregon looking for rocks for my garden, as you know, but I'll be hanging around smoking my pipes, as is my tendency.

Christopher in Oregon

Alyssa said...

This is cool!