31 August 2013

Pregnancy Tests for Sale!


Just when I think women's morality can't get any lower; just when I think things can't be more insane; women's morality goes still lower, and things are sick and getting sicker.  I cannot make this stuff up.  Stand by for a Daily Mail article about pregnancy tests for sale, along with analysis from Yours Truly...


To pee or not to pee: Women sell positive pregnancy tests on Craigslist for $25 each. . . and there is no shortage of motivated buyers

  • One seller writes 'Wanna get your boyfriend to pop the question?', while some buyers are motivated by revenge


Who was it that said that women are natural liars?  Who was it that said that Nature endows all of its creatures with the necessary tools of survival?  Who was it that said that, since women are weaker than men, have been endowed with a degree of cunning and deception that men cannot begin to understand?  I don't know, but this shows that women are anything BUT sugar and spice and everything nice...

Scrolling through the site, there appears to be no shortage of sellers- and many are aware that their customers could be using the tests for dubious reasons.

What, women do things for dubious reasons?!  Say it isn't so!  The scary thing is that we allow women to VOTE!  Did you ever think about that? 

I'm pregnant and will sell you my positive pregnancy test for $20,' one woman on Manhattan's Lower East Side writes. 'I don't care what you need them for.'

One Los Angeles woman offers to buy a pregnancy test for $20 'to make a video on teen pregnancy' for her local boys and girls club, which commenters point out seems suspect.

Suspect, indeed!  Methinks that an entrapment is about to happen here...

Another Dallas-based buyer is motivated by revenge, because after five years and two children with her ex-boyfriend, he came home and told her that he got his receptionist pregnant.

'We had been trying for another [baby]' she writes.

'He texted and said he isn't sure who he wants to be with and I think I handled it well for what a cheating lying dog he is. I would like the last laugh out of this. I will give some girl $40.'

Aw, poor Little Missy took up with a bad boy, and she's surprised that he didn't remain faithful to her.  How CLUELESS can you be?!  Didn't Little Missy learn that leopards do NOT change their spots?!  I guess not...

I would like to ask some questions of Little Missy here.  One, why did you go out with a cheating, lying dog?  Why did you STAY with him?  Surely this isn't the first time he's done this; cheaters have always done it before, so you have no excuse, Darlin'.

Just goes to show you that women WANT promiscuous men-at least the increasingly number of feral women found today do.  Thanks to preselection and hypergamy, women want what other women want; to them, it shows that the man has 'value'-though in this case, that value is dubious, at best...

Still, is easy to see how expectant moms in need of extra cash could be tempted by the high markup.

Why not sell the tests for $200?  After all, that's a real markup.  Also, $200 is cheap compared the bonanza that's worth TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars to be awarded in the form of child support, alimony, etc...

While drugstore pregnancy tests are priced at between $10 and $20, cheaper versions can be bought online or at discount outlets for as little as $1 each.

Yeah, but a used, positive pregnancy test could be worth thousands...

Craigslist has also become an underground online bazaar for other fertility items. Women are selling frozen breast milk for $1 per ounce, baby items and even drugs at a deep discount.

The breast milk works out to $128 per gallon-wow!  That begs an obvious question though: why wouldn't a woman just use her OWN breast milk?  After all, she'll make it when she gets pregnant and has a kid...

Fertility drugs such as Ganrilex, Menopur and Gonal-f used for IVF and egg freezing are offered at around $100 for several doses rather than the market rate, which can be around $120 for one syringe.

If women would have children when they are younger and more fertile (i.e. is more likely to have kids, and will have an easier time giving birth to them), they wouldn't NEED IVF!  Even with IVF, because an older woman's eggs are mostly gone; because those remaining eggs are of lower quality; IVF will only have success rate of 5% or so. 

But experts caution that there is no way to verify that the drugs inside the box are as advertised - or, since many medicines require refrigeration - that they have been stored properly.

What else can I add to this?

As with everything else on Craigslist, it seems that the advice let the buyer beware definitely applies here.

Caveat emptor-let the buyer beware, indeed...


Guys, I have some closing thoughts about this.  Normally, I'd say good bye here, but not this time; this time, I'll share my parting thoughts about this sort of thing...

If your woman insists that she's pregnant, then buy fresh pregnancy tests at the store yourself and have her use them; don't rely on a test she furnishes you.  How do you know it's legit if you go solely on her say-so?  Spend $20 for some tests; it's cheap insurance.

The second thought I have is that this proves women are NATURAL LIARS AND DECEIVERS; this proves it!  The safe thing to do is to assume a woman is always lying to you unless proven otherwise; even then, be suspicious of what she says.

Thirdly, we allow these creatures to VOTE!  Did you ever think about that?  Women vote; even though they pull these sorts of stunts, they are allowed to vote!  Since they comprise the majority of voters, it's no wonder we have increasing corruption, deception, and skullduggery on the part of government; after all, they are reflecting women's desires, inclinations, and wishes.

With that, I shall say good day, Gentlemen; have a good day now...



patriarchal landmine said...

let's get the word out about this, guys.

Anonymous said...

I can see women using pregnancy tests to trick a man into marrying them.

But, how can a false pregnancy test win her thousands of dollars on child support? She has to come up with a baby for that, not just a test.

Of course, if the man thinks, well, she's pregnant and had unprotected sex with her?

Just asking.

Anonymous age 71

Anonymous said...

"Did you ever think about that? Women vote; even though they pull these sorts of stunts, they are allowed to vote!"

Right. The male population has never been known to engage in lying, trickery, or deception of any sort. Clearly this good-hearted bunch of angels has the moral high ground here and thus is more deserving of a say in matters of governance than those nasty, conniving ladies.

Never mind all of those male serial killers, corrupt politicians, womanizers, child support dodgers, thieves, rapists, etc. Some woman stood behind all of those wrong-doing men, pushing and prodding them to commit acts of evil. Then later on she toddled back to her cave, rubbing her hands together and cackling wickedly as she cast her Democrat ballot. Presumably afterward she feasted on aborted fetuses slurried with a concoction of birth control pills, ecstasy, and scentsy candles, garnished with a sprinkling of the morning after pill.

This is all typical lady protocol. If we don't do this at least once a month around the time of our periods, God takes away our power to be cunning natural liars and replaces it with hideous facial hair and thunder thighs.

Thank goodness you exposed the truth behind feminine evil.

MarkyMark said...


To answer your question, one, by getting the guy to marry her and thus have access to his resources. Two, she COULD come up with a baby in the meantime-either with the tricked guy or someone else; once a baby is in the picture, then the gravy train starts rollin' in...


MarkyMark said...


Who commits abortion? Women do. What does abortion say about women?


cecilhenry said...

See, Where are the legal consequences for these women of fraud and attempted blackmail and causing psychological and physical stress

What is needed here is lawsuits that costs women jail time and financial penalties.

All fun and games ladies???

Anonymous said...

Women pull the pregnancy scare as a shit test. The way to fail this shit test is to act calmly and to be supportive. This sets you up as a good potential father, and you can expect a real oops pregnancy soon.

To pass this test you need to act like you're in a total panic (shouldn't be too hard). Stop whatever you're doing at the moment she says 'I think I'm pregnant' or if she tells you she has a positive test result - if you're at work, say you have an emergency and get to the pharmacy ASAP (buy 2 or more tests). Find her and drag her out of whatever she is doing. Sit her on a toilet and watch her take all the tests. Make sure she doesn't switch the stick.

When (hopefully) the test is negative, celebrate like you just won the lottery. Dance around and thank god. This is how you pass the test.

Anonymous said...

"Who commits abortion? Women do."

Oh, right. Because men have never killed babies or children ever.

And there is certainly no such thing as a phenomenon where, in some parts of the world, women are forced to abort babies for being female. And if there were, men would have nothing to do with it, you innocent sweet little lambs.


Come off it.

You made an asshole claim for which there is zero substantiation.

Yeah. There are a ton of evil women in the world.

But don't act for one moment as if there aren't at least just as many evil men doing horrendous things.

In a proper democracy, all adults deserve the right to vote. Every individual who has that much self-agency deserves to have a say with regard to the people who are intended to represent their wishes, needs, and well-being within the government.

If you're seriously suggesting that because some women do wicked things, the gender as a whole deserves their right to vote to be revoked, men would also deserve it just as badly. They may not have the ability to get pregnant and abuse that in the variety of ways in which women can. But they have plenty of other avenues to do terrible things. Think of the men who sabotage their birth control to purposefully entrap women into pregnancy, or who intentionally spread STDs, or who slip abortifacients into their s/o's food/beverages, or who murder, rape, and abuse others. Do these things just not happen in MarkyMark World? Because while you're fomenting over all of the bad things that some women are up to and waxing lyrical about what a mistake it was that they have basic human rights, just as many (if not more) men are misbehaving just as badly. You've seriously broken with reality if you think that women are so significantly worse as human beings than men are.

Maybe you should hop off that high horse and take a serious look at the society in which we're living, rather than honing in on the people who piss you off so much for merely existing and sharing the same freedoms as you.

Mrs. Anna T said...

Like you always say, this *cannot* be made up!! Buying a pregnancy stick someone once peed on? Yuck yuck yuck!!

But, if a woman tricks a man into marrying her because she's supposedly pregnant, and then it turns out she had never been pregnant, she's in deep trouble.

Anonymous said...

Pregnant women selling positive results is old school low-tech. Because too many men want to watch cupcake take the test, women have developed a pre-packaged working test that will turn positive 100% of the time. Just search, 'fake pregnancy test' on Ebay. They are selling these tests in the THOUSANDS! And they have the nerve to call them 'pranks'.

On a positive note, MSN has covered the Craigslist scandal. The first time I've ever seen the mainstream media revealing the darker nature of the female.

MarkyMark said...


First of all, what man would SABOTAGE his condom, his only means of birth control? I have NEVER heard of that! Does that not defeat the purpose of using it in the first place? Since it takes away the sensation of the sex act, why would one pierce the tip to sabotage the condom? Would it not be better just to go bareback? Sorry, but your contention does NOT hold water...


Mrs. Anna T said...

MarkyMark, I guess that what Anon meant to say is that in come cases, a couple disagrees whether they should have a baby or not. It might be the woman wanting the baby and the man wittholding his consent for pregnancy, or the other way around. So a woman might "forget" to take her birth control pills, or a man might prickle a hole in his condom... either way, it is a dishonest way to act in a relationship.

Before you say no man would ever do such a thing, think of the many men who want to start a family while their wives are career-focused. It does happen. I'm not saying it should, thouh...

Greddy said...

Anonicow mooed:
"Oh, right. Because men have never killed babies or children ever."

More fetuses have been aborted since Roe v. Wade than ALL the people killed in all the wars. Anything men can do women do better, eh?

"Yeah. There are a ton of evil women in the world.

But don't act for one moment as if there aren't at least just as many evil men doing horrendous things."

Well, in response I'll use the same reasoning the cunts on XOJane use when I comment. This site is by a man for men discussing male issues. If you're worried about fair representation, go to one of the millions of women's sites and bitch about da bad, bad, menz there.

And let's go one further, at least here your comments are posted you unappreciative slime trail, if I *dare* post at a women's site, I either never get past moderation or am retroactively moderated and banned. So much for fair representin' for the fascist man-haters.

Greddy said...

@Mrs. Anna T said... "Before you say no man would ever do such a thing, think of the many men who want to start a family while their wives are career-focused. It does happen. I'm not saying it should, thouh.."

Well then the same answer applies to these "women" that women used against every man who was duped into getting a woman pregnant: "She should have taken responsibility for her own birth control."

I have absolutely NO SYMPATHY for women who might find themselves in such a situation which is exactly the same amount of sympathy women have shown men in such a situation. Turn about is fair play and at this point, the battle of the sexes has grown into full scale war and is now well into the M.A.D. doctrine. Be sure to thank your feminist sisters for the end they have brought to functioning society.

MarkyMark said...


Mrs. Anna is NOT a feminist! I used to read her blog, and she's anything but. As for Anonicow, I think she is; she certainly talks like one...


Anonymous said...

"First of all, what man would SABOTAGE his condom, his only means of birth control? I have NEVER heard of that!"

A man who's looking to have a baby, even though his partner is uninterested, that's what man. Crazy though it may sound to you, some men are actually interested in becoming parents, and a tiny few will stop at nothing, including major deception, to have a child of their own.

There have been cases in the news of this happening. It's certainly not rampant, but it's one technique of pregnancy manipulation that is wielded by men. That said, I'd venture that it's definitely a more frequent occurrence than the sale of pregnancy tests that you're throwing a tantrum about.

Though anecdotal evidence is relatively worthless, I will say that a friend of mine in high school was a victim of this at sixteen. Her boyfriend got her pregnant by poking holes in the condoms he was using. Turned out his ex had gotten pregnant by him and had an abortion, and he never got over it after that relationship fell apart. So he took it out on my friend. I feel badly for both of them, and worse for their daugter.

"If you're worried about fair representation, go to one of the millions of women's sites and bitch about da bad, bad, menz there."

That's just it; I don't care about fair representation. I merely took issue with the OP's suggestion that women committing acts of evil, be they via pregnancy deception or abortion itself, to be justification to deny them the right to vote. I was pointing out that while plenty of women do terrible things, men as a whole are not innocent either. By Mark's moral litmus test, men are at equal pacing in line with women to have their right to vote revoked.

"As for Anonicow, I think she is; she certainly talks like one..."

Aww. It's so cute when people find themselves incapable of logically arguing their points and wind up resorting to ad hominen remarks.

Such a catchy rhythm. I point out a big hole in your logic, and you reply to the effect that, "Oh yeah? Well you're FAT!"

Or y'know, I reply to your post simply to say that your reasoning does not justify robbing adult women of their right to vote, and your response can be summed up with, "Well, you're just some crazy feminist!"

Defending women voting in 2013, how radical of me!

MarkyMark said...


I never thought about a man wanting to start a family, while his wife didn't. Having said that though, why wouldn't he just try to find someone whose goals are more in line with his? Why marry a hard core career chick if a man wants a family?


MarkyMark said...


I have never heard of a man piercing the condom until now, though the reasons put forth make sense. Having said that, if a woman is that adamant about remaining childless, should she not be more proactive about contraceptive use? Should she not take matters in to her own hands, so as to retain control over that? After all, women have a dozen different means of birth control available to them, whereas men only have one.


MarkyMark said...


The reason why women shouldn't vote is because they will seek safety and security above and beyond everything else-including freedom. That is to say that they will be more inclined to vote for politicians who espouse and enact statist/socialist policies.

For the record, I think that universal suffrage (i.e. right to vote) is a bad idea; I didn't always feel this way, but now I do. So, who do I think should vote? Fathers who are property owners-and I mean they own their property free & clear, i.e. sans a mortgage! That would eliminate me; even though I own my house, I am not a father. Anyway, I think that they would take the longest term view, and cast votes that would be the best for society as a whole. While no system is perfect, universal suffrage is clearly a BAD IDEA...


Positive pregnancy tests on sale said...

This is seriously the matter of shame. i mean what is going on, what is wrong with the women.

Mrs. Anna T said...

"Why marry a hard core career chick if a man wants a family?"

In a world where relationships are started and maintained using cool intelligence and flawless logic, this question would make sense; in our hormone-driven dating world, however, I think you will agree with me that often, people end up with just the perfectly *wrong* person. Then they begin doing what they can to patch things up. Sometimes it ends in disaster.

Not a strictly related example: a friend of mine told me of two friends of *hers*, a nice young man and a young woman of 26 and 24 years respectively, whom she inroduced, and who began dating. After 6 months, the woman broke up. The reason? "You are just too cute; too much of a sweet boy; not exciting enough for me." I'd wager anything that in a very short time she will start a bad sort of relationship with a bad boy, get terribly burned, and in a few years will, perhaps, begin to realize that what she truly needed, what would have made her happy, is a life with just such a person she cast aside for not being exciting enough.

Anonymous said...

"Having said that, if a woman is that adamant about remaining childless, should she not be more proactive about contraceptive use?"

Could be for lots of reasons. She might be wary of the side effects that chemical birth controls can often entail. They work for a lot of women, but not everyone. IUDs have the pitfall of being susceptible to falling out of place and being a pain. Apart from chemical contraceptives, condoms are probably the most effective form of birth control. Sponges, diaphragms, etc have a wider margin of error.

And while yes, women could use chemical birth control to cover all of their bases, it doesn't take away from the point that men who sabotage condoms to induce pregnancy or spread disease are just as morally reprehensible as women who manipulate pregnancy/pregnancy tests to their own selfish ends.

Furthermore, your question is kind of framed to blame the victim for not doing enough to prevent having been forced to become pregnant. One could point out that there are avenues (albeit extreme ones) for men to take to prevent them from being led to believe they knocked someone up when they didn't. Posed either way, it's not exactly a fair question to ask the party who got duped. Would you ask the victim of a robbery why they weren't carrying a gun to retain the power to not have their belongings stolen?

"So, who do I think should vote? Fathers who are property owners-and I mean they own their property free & clear, i.e. sans a mortgage!"

It's an interesting thought, but I can't see how it would work in this day and age. The division of wealth is spread so haphazardly and so many people live in poverty that it would magnify the extent to which sociopolitical power is skewed even further than it already is. Furthermore, there are property owning mothers who would be disqualified from the vote for no fair reason. A lot would have to change on a cultural level in order for people to thrive under that sort of social order (let alone to accept it in the first place).

Anonymous said...

Marky Mark posted: "The second thought I have is that this proves women are NATURAL LIARS AND DECEIVERS."

Very true. This is why it is extremely foolish to ever trust anything women say. As Schopenhauer explained, women have evolved to become masters of dissimulation in order to compensate for their limited physical abilities.

Greddy said...


Mrs. Anna is NOT a feminist! I used to read her blog, and she's anything but. As for Anonicow, I think she is; she certainly talks like one...


I understand that. Her line of logic is still somewhat bogus. While I *have* heard of a FEW cases of men sabotaging their own condoms to get a woman pregnant, this is very rare AND, the woman still retains the FINAL say so about carrying any pregnancy to term. THAT is the difference. If a woman deceives a man, the man is screwed with ZERO options. If the woman is deceived, she still retains the abortion option.

"Such a catchy rhythm. I point out a big hole in your logic, and you reply to the effect that, "Oh yeah? Well you're FAT!""

There is no hole in the logic. There is however, hypocrisy as I pointed out. The men here are under no obligation to FAIRLY mention that "men are just as bad." There are millions of websites and a dogmatic hate filled ideology to spread the word that "men are just as bad." We are here to talk about women and *their* badness. And again, you should thank Marky Mark for being open minded enough to allow your comments through. Women's sites don't seem to have that much class.

As for the fat thing, it was a safe bet.

djc said...

Once again, abstinence guarantees zero problems like this. Keep your little head zipped up. Safe and sound.

Take The Red Pill said...

"Caveat emptor - let the buyer beware..."

A cardinal rule that ALL modern men should live by when dealing with females in this age of female privilege and supremacy.
And yet another reason to Go Your Own Way.

Gloria Steinem: "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."
MGTOW: "Bicycles don't need fish, neither."

Anonymous said...

Twenty-five dollars EACH?! Y'know how many times per day I pee right now with this kid sitting directly atop my bladder? Cha-ching. My husband is going to be thrilled when I tell him that I have just figured out how to pay for the baby's college!

But seriously though, this is not the first time I've heard about this happening. I thought it was screwed up then, and I still do. I suppose to some extent that's how a free market works. Human creativity is vast, and there's often a buyer to be found for all sorts of things that wouldn't cross most people's minds as a marketable product. But still, either the people selling these are incredibly naive about the potential uses, or they simply don't care.

As for the buyers...well, I second (third? 500th?) the advice: Gentlemen, watch your backs. Don't sleep with any female you 1) aren't married to 2) can't trust completely. The first condition is relatively easy to meet. The second, well..........


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