09 January 2025

Women Love Bad Boys, or Modern Dating Is a Train Wreck


Here's a comment I left at Real Girl World's latest YouTube video. RGW, hosted by English-Canaidan wife, Hannah Jordan, talks about modern dating and relationships. She has 317 subscribers, but she should have 3.17 MILLION! She puts forth a message that desperately needs to be heard, particularly by today's modern women. It's refreshing to see a based woman out there, even though they're rare. As Proverbs 31 in the Bible says, such women are more valuable than rubies. Anyway, here were my thoughts on modern dating, women desiring bad boys, and so on...


One, what I can't understand is that, out of all the guys, Luigi Mangione is the ONLY one who's at all good looking! The other guys were 'meh' IMO. What on EARTH do these women see in all the other guys? What is it? It can't be good looks, because I can acknowledge when a man looks good. Other than Luigi Mangione, none of the other men do. Sorry, but their sex appeal escapes me.

Two, my other thought was that many of these girls who were giving the pedos a pass would be the same ones who would cry to HR if one of their nice guy coworkers expressed any interest in them.

Three, modern dating is just a train wreck. I've only been on one date in the last almost 6.5 years, and that was a disaster. Even though I texted her when I left my house; even though I texted her when I entered her city; and even though I texted her when I reached out meeting place; she was still late, even though she lived near the hotel/restaurant where we met for Sunday breakfast buffet. She didn't come into the hotel's restaurant, either; had I not gone looking for her, I'd have never seen her sitting on a bench outside the restaurant entrance. To top it all off, she had the NERVE to criticize what I chose to eat that Sunday morning! She pointed out that I wasn't eating fruit with my breakfast. I was thinking to myself, "Gee, I can see WHY you're single!"

What my date didn't know that Sunday morning of September, 2023 was that I eat fruit with my breakfast on the weekdays. I normally have half a grapefruit with my weekday morning breakfast, so I skip it on the weekends. On weekday mornings, I normally have half a grapefruit, cereal, milk, and toast. On weekends, I change things up; I have eggs, sausage or bacon, toast, orange juice, and sometimes home fries or hash browns. Criticizing what I ate really pissed me off.

Finally, I've been chatting with my neighbor, a young girl who lives across the street. She's in her late 20s or early 30s, but when you're 62 going on 63, that's young. Anyway, we'd had a couple of nice chats, but I think she may have a kid. GOOD GRIEF! I don't date single moms! I don't know her story, so I'm going to wait to find it out before doing anything, but I'm not so keen on possibly dating her, even though she's nice and kinda cute. The only single moms I feel sorry for are widows, as they ended up in their situation through no fault of their own. Otherwise, I think that single moms are a bad risk for guys of any age.

Anyway, modern dating is a train wreck, so many of us men of all ages are walking away from it. Those are my thoughts, Ma'am.

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