07 January 2025

First Dates, Dating, Relationships, and Marriage


Here's another comment I'm saving here for posterity. Since it includes my thoughts on dating, relationships, and marriage, I thought it would make a good post. Here's a link to the Zeta Male Unscripted video which prompted the comment. Phil, aka Zeta Male Unscripted, is a 57 year old New Englander who's hardcore MGTOW. He knows what's what, so young guys need to listen to him. I heartily recommend his channel. I subscribe to him, and his videos are "must see TV" for me. With that said, here are my thoughts on first dates, dating, relationships, and marriage...


Phil, I have a few thoughts about what you shared here. Number one, don't encourage guys to get married. Number two, relationshits are fine, but don't get married. Three, foodie dates are a thing many women do. Four, Chad and Tyrone don't have to do anything to get the girls. Five, the first date is for a "vibe check" only. Finally, trips to nice, expensive restaurants should be rare. I'll explain my points in more detail below.

Number one DON'T ENCOURAGE GUYS TO GET MARRIED! Even if they marry young and have the time and energy to rebuild from a divorce, that divorce still puts them behind the 8 ball; it still sets them back. Even if a guy gets married and divorced all in his 20s, he not only loses valuable time rebuilding his now destroyed life; he loses time laying the financial foundation for his later life. A man's 20s are vital for laying a good foundation, and a divorce, at best, delays this most valuable process. A guy needs his 20s to build his value. If he does things right in his 20s, then he'll have enough value later on to attract women if he wishes to do so. He'll also have the wherewithal to build a nice life later, as the foundation has already been put in place during his 20s.

Number two, I see no problem with a guy dating and perhaps having a relationshit or two; he'll learn that he's not missing much by flying solo. I have no problem with a guy having a relationshit or two, as he'll see what us older guys are telling him: he's not missing anything without a woman in his life.

Number three, one third of women admit to doing foodie dates, i.e. going on a date solely for free food, not because they have any interest in the guy himself. If one third of women admit to doing foodie dates, you know that the actual percentage is higher. Why? Because women care about how they're perceived; they care about how they look to others, so many women won't admit to doing foodie dates. Therefore, doing drinks or a cheap dinner date is the only way to go. If a woman is really and truly interested in the guy, she won't care about doing drinks; she won't care about grabbing a bite at Taco Bell or an inexpensive, local place; she won't care about what they do together, just so long as they do something together. That is to say that, if a woman is really into a guy, she won't care about what she does with him, nor will she cares about where she goes with him on the first date.

Number four, the Chads and Tyrones of the world don't have to do anything for the girl to be intimate with her, as she's really into them to begin with; all he'll do is tell her to come over late at night for "Netflix and chill", and she'll go. Why? Because she's REALLY INTO Chad and Tyrone; that's why! This point dovetails with the previous point.

Number five, the first date is just a "vibe check"; its purpose is to determine whether or not to have a second date. THAT'S IT! For that reason, a first date just needs to be quick and cheap. If you like one another, you can either extend the first date or make plans for a second one soon thereafter. If you don't like one another, then the agony isn't prolonged. Nor does the awkward first date cost the guy much, either in terms of money or time. A date doesn't need to be expensive to make that determination, nor does it need to last long. It's just a vibe check.

Finally, nice expensive restaurants are only appropriate for special occasions, such as a school graduation, job promotion, anniversary, etc. If you go to nice places too often, they're no longer special.

Those are my thoughts. In conclusion, DO NOT encourage guys to get married ever! Two, having a relationshit or two is okay. Three, many women do foodie dates, so don't get used; if she's into you, she won't care about what she does with you. Four, the Chads and Tyrones of the world don't even get drinks for their women, because they don't have to. Five, a first date is just a vibe check, so making it quick and cheap is a must. Finally, expensive restaurants should be for special occasions only.

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