08 September 2024

A Dilemma Older Men Face


I have yet another comment I wish to preserve for posterity, so I'm posting it here. In one of his recent videos, Bo Refec said that being single as an older person is a scary prospect, and that we can face disaster if our health fails without having someone to care for us. Normally, I agree with Bo; I'm subscribed to both of his channels, and I watch him regularly. However, I must part company here; I must disagree with him. As a 62 year old man who's dealing with this, I have something to say. Below is my comment.


Bo, you talked about how being single as we get older is a death wish. Let me ask you this: WTF does a guy do if his wife divorces him in old age, hmmm? What about that? You see older women leaving their marriages ALL THE TIME! All the time, we see 50 and 60 something women ending their decades long marriages to "chase their happiness", i.e. chase Chad. If women would-gasp-honor their marriage vows, that would be one thing. If we didn't face getting reamed out in the family courts, that would be one thing. However, women don't honor their commitments and the family courts will screw us over, so we, as older men, have to weigh the risk of being homeless and starving in old age vs. the possibility of failing health as our lives come to an end.

Yes, as a 62 year old man, I'm concerned that my health will decline to the point where I can no longer care for myself. That's one reason I go biking 4-5 times a week. HOWEVER! However, I'm also concerned about a woman divorcing me and leaving me poor; I'm concerned about being homeless in old age; I'm concerned about having nothing to eat but Alpo. I can eat human food and occasionally go to Long Horn Steakhouse for a treat; I'd like the option of CONTINUING to do so, TYVM! For men over a certain age, it's a Catch 22 we're facing; we're damned if we do (i.e. marry), and we're damned if we don't. Since it comes down to that stark choice, then I'll take the lesser of two bad options; at least I'll have food, clothing, and shelter until I die.

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