15 April 2023

Bud Light Brouhaha


I have to comment on the Bud Light Brouhaha; I have to comment on their decision to use a TRANNY as their front person! Since Dylan Mulvaney is a guy (that's how he came into this world anyway; he has both an X and Y chromosomes), do I call him Bud Light's front man? Since he's pretending to be a woman, do I call "her" a front woman? What about being politically correct, and calling IT Bud Light's front person? I don't know.

I'm no marketing person. I've never taken a class in it, though I would like to read and learn more about it. That said, I do possess common sense; I know what not to do. One thing I know is that the customer is always right; that's Rule #1 for any business! Rule #2 says, when in doubt, refer to Rule #1. Another elementary tenet of marketing is DO NOT piss off your customers! Do not anger them. That goes double for your core customers, the ones who buy your brand no matter what, the ones who grab your product without thinking about it.

What Mrs. Alyssa Heinerscheid (actually Alyssa Gordon Heinerscheid), the real WOMAN of genius behind the tranny campaign, has managed to do is ALL the above! She insulted and upset the core customers of Bud Light. Actually, Miss Heinerscheid is the VP of Marketing for Bud Light. SHE is the one behind Bud Light's tranny campaign! Get a load of her arrogance and condescension in this video here. This is just breathtaking to watch.

For those of you who don't know, Mrs. Heinerschied is a woman of privilege. She attended the Groton School, an exclusive, college prep school for grades 8-12 in Groton, MA. She then went to Harvard to get her BA in English Literature. She got her MBA at Wharton, Penn's b-school. That is to say she attended Ivy League schools, hotbeds of both Wokeism and privilege. Does she even know who Bud Light's core customers are? Has she ever sat down to have a beer with them? I think we all know the answers to those questions-a resounding NO!

There's a rumor on the web saying that Anheuser-Busch senior management didn't know about this marketing campaign, and that it was the decision of a low level staffer. Really? Would you call any corporate vice president a low level staffer? Would you call Bud Light's VP of Marketing, the aforementioned Mrs. Heinerscheid, a low level staffer? I think not!

Furthermore, senior management at AB InBev, the company that owns Anheuser-Busch and its associated brands, had to know about this marketing campaign. Not only that, they ordered it. How do I know? Why, Mrs. Heinerscheid told us so! Watch the above video again, please. At 16 seconds in, Mrs. Heinerscheid says that she had "this super clear mandate"-her words, nobody else's! Keep that in mind.

What is a mandate? It's an order, isn't it? Dictionary.com defines the word (def #3) as "an authoritative order or command". It's an order from on-high, an order from someone or some entity in authority, is it not? Who would be in authority over Mrs. Heinerscheid, hmmm? Who could give her these real clear mandates? Who would be in position to issue orders and mandates to her, the VP of Marketing for Bud Light? Wouldn't that be senior management at AB InBev? OF COURSE SENIOR MANAGEMENT ISSUED THE ORDER FOR THIS BS! To claim anything to the contrary is naive.

I'd like to say that I'll boycott Budweiser and Bud Light, but I can't; I don't drink their piss water identifying itself as beer. I haven't consumed a drop of that piss water in ages! Seriously, it's bad. That said, the parent company of Bud, Bud Light, and Anheuser-Busch is a globalist, Belgian conglomerate known as AB InBev. They own hundreds of beer brands, including Becks, Modelo, and Corona, among many others. The list is included for those of you who want to cast your dollar votes with anyone besides AB InBev.

I can't remember this big a marketing screw-up since the New Coke of the mid 1980s. I dare say this one is much bigger, because Coca-Cola at least didn't insult and intentionally try to anger their customers. This botched abortion could do in Bud Light as a brand-not that that would be a big loss. As I said above, Bud and Bud Light are piss water masquerading as beer. Will Bud Light become the next Stroh's? I remember when Stroh's was a big thing; they were the third largest brewer behind Anheuser-Busch and Miller. They were everywhere! Unfortunately, because Stroh's overextended; because they tried to grow too much, too fast; they no longer exist. Will Bud Light follow their fate? It has the potential to do so. I guess we'll see soon enough though. Have a good day... :)

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