18 June 2013

Worthless Bitches


As you know, I got sucked in to watching that train wreck, MTV's Jersey Shore.  I watched this episode from season 1, which was aired in early January, 2010.  I'm including a link, because I want you, my boys, to see just how WORTHLESS & NASTY American women are.  Click the link, and watch it to about the halfway point where the guidos are cooking up the feast (surf & turf); the fun starts at about 17:45.  You'll see what I mean as the incident unfolds.

Mike, The Situation, handled a lot of the cooking duties, as he had done on many episodes.  He's really quite good in the kitchen, BTW; I dare say that he knows his way around the kitchen better than most modern women do-not that that is a surprise.  Shoot, most modern women can't even boil water!

Anyway, the group finished the sumptuous meal that the guys prepared.  What did the girls do?  Not a damn thing, that's what!  They didn't even OFFER to help!  I could excuse Snooki, because this was the day after she got cold cocked in the previous episode.  Jenni didn't lift a finger, but she wasn't overt in her refusal to help out.  The girl on whom I wish to focus my ire is Sammi 'Sweetheart'-who's anything BUT sweet...

After they were done eating, Sammi told Mike to bring the plate over to the garbage.  He said that, since he'd just cooked for everyone, the least she could do was take his plate over to the garbage.  I see nothing wrong with that; fair is fair, right?  Well, guess what?  Sammi gave him lip about it!  She said that she never asked him to cook for her; that she wasn't going to help clean up; she said that Mike was trying to boss everyone around in the house, yadda, yadda, yadda.  IOW, she spouted the standard, feminist claptrap.  That shouldn't be surprising though, considering that Sammi was majoring in sociology @ William Patterson University here in NJ.  Boy, you did your feminist sisters proud, Sammi!  Way to go with your 'grrl power', Baby!

In closing, American women are worthless, narcissistic, selfish bitches who think of no one but themselves.  For my boys, this isn't a surprise, but it's always good to have a reminder; it's always good to know what you're 'missing out' on.  The chicks in the house did NOTHING at all to help out-nothing!  Then, when Mike told Sammi to dump his plate in the garbage, she copped an attitude?!  Come on!  He wasn't even asking the bitch to really clean up, either; all he said was bring it over to the garbage, and dump its contents in the pail.  That's it!

With that, I shall wish you all a good day.  Until next time...



Anonymous said...

Boycott american women

I'm thinking of getting a fake beard & moustache just to bitchslap these bitches ...

When these bitches dont fear men, they turn feral

Just Saying said...

"American women are worthless, narcissistic, selfish bitches who think of no one but themselves"

You are only just now figuring that out? Wow... I'm amazed...

Mrs. Anna T said...

There are such few shows worth watching; truly, I have given up... I'm really happy we don't have a TV in the house, and the computer is used only for select good movies!

thomas said...

the sooner guys realize this and stop catering to women the sooner we can start seeing some changes. But the obstacle is that guys will continue this because they want the sweet stuff from her.

Anonymous said...

Do you really believe that these Jersey Shore girls are typical?Personally I don't even know one female remotely like them or have I even run into females like this.You're watching a freak show here. I did watch a couple of episodes on the Net just to see what it was like and aside from just being a bore these people looked semi retarded.The show I saw was in Florence and that Situation guy gets mad and runs his head into a wall, he had to be taken to the hospital and something like that could cause brain damage. You know anyone that stupid? Apparently there are a lot of boobtube watchers who find this stuff amusing but they're as dumb as the cast of this show.These people do nothing but go to the gym, eat and make fools of themselves and can't even do that in a way that is interesting.
The females are a bunch of common looking boobs with absolutely nothing interesting about them. I can just imagine if I had to spend a few days living with these people, I'd be thinking of suicide.I guess that there are enough people on their same level and with nothing to do who watch this crap.

patriarchal landmine said...

the really bad part is that women see this behavior and then emulate it, because the scumbags are doing it on tv.

Anonymous said...

"That's why I don't eat Lobster, because it's alive when you kill it." -Snooki

Traditional marriage said...

The only women worth dating are virgins. Jersey Shore girls are a long way from that.