31 May 2012

WTC Collapse as Recorded from Nearby Apartment


I watched this video last year on the heels of the tenth anniversary of 9/11. Unfortunately, I was unable to find it until now.

This video was shot by a woman and her family who lived near the WTC. This video was shot live with no commentary or hype; it's just their view of what happened and how they experienced that day. It's really quite good, and that it's worth spending the better part of a half hour to watch. I hope you all enjoy it.

If you'd like to learn more about the video, then go here to Bob & Bri's blog about 9/11 and the video they shot. Thank you.



Anonymous said...

Take a look at the video again and you will hear at 6:34 crackling sounds and then at 11:45 the frame breaks. You can tell the video footage has been chopped. Someone took out some of the original footage. I have seen another version of this and you can see allot more. Also pause every so often the video at 11:52 and continue each second. You can see in pause frames a light white spherical hologram ball floating away, 20feet above the green roof building to the right. I could be a dumb conspiracy theorist I guess. But I would recommend to take a look at the video footage again.

Anonymous said...

You can see in pause frames a light white spherical hologram ball floating away,

Aliens did it?