11 January 2023

Restricted Movement Due to Climate Cult


Here's a comment I left in response to Stuart Fillingham's first video of the new year. Stu is motorcyclist in the UK who has a fondness for Royal Enfield motorcycles. Since I own a Royal Enfield motorcycle myself, I follow his channel. At times, he discusses issues impacting mobility, as they impact two wheelers as well as four wheelers. In his video, he talks about the Irish, UK, and EU governments enacting movement restrictions-to save the planet, of course. Below is my comment...


Stu, you didn't hear from me, because I respected your wish to have a holiday vacation. Now that you're back, rest assured that many of us Yanks ARE paying attention to what's going on over there! More often than not whatever happens over there finds its way here.

Secondly, we have to stop going along with the climate McGuffin! We can't just say we'll build H2 cars, hybrids, etc.; the only thing to do with the climate cult is to tell them to FUCK OFF! That's it! ICEVs are already very clean, thanks to better emissions controls and refinement of the ICE over the course of more than a century. The climate McGuffin is only being used to get us out of our cars and reduce our freedom of movement.

Thirdly, those of us with brains need to point out that there are plenty of NATURAL PHENOMENA that can change the climate! I'm talking about sunspot numbers; there's a proven correlation between temperatures on Earth with the sunspot numbers. There are terrestrial volcanoes to consider. How many MILLIONS of tons of debris are spewed into the atmosphere with a serious volcanic eruption? Then, there's the matter of undersea volcanoes, which warm the ocean water; warming oceans impact the climate, Folks! What do all three of these phenomena have in common, besides being natural? We cannot control them-end of story. Mother Nature will do whatever the blazes she wants to do.

Fourthly, I remember seeing a History Channel documentary about the Middle Ages, and what the weather was like then. England was quite warm, actually; it was warmer than it is now. How warm? You all had VINEYARDS there in the 1300s! What didn't you have? Man made pollution from cars, factories, etc., because those things didn't exist, nor would they exist for centuries. With that said, the question begs: if humans weren't polluting, then how did England become warmer during the Middle Ages, hmmm? Natural forces were responsible of course; to ask the question is to answer it.

Finally, anyone who's surfed or even spent time in the ocean will tell you how mighty and powerful it is. They'll also tell you how insignificant they feel, because they are. Man thinks he can influence the climate? GTFOOH! Humanity is but a PIMPLE on the ass of Mother Nature! Who are we to think that we have any impact at all?

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