23 January 2023

Red Pill Wisdom in Jack Reacher


Though it came out 11 years ago, I just saw the movie, Jack Reacher, this weekend. It's a pretty good action and suspense flick. I'd like to draw your attention to the bar scene where Sandy sits at Jack's table just before the fight outside. Sandy tells Jack she's old enough to do "a lot of things". Jack replies that he's on a budget, so he can't afford her. She indignantly protests that she's not a whore, to which Jack says, "Then I really can't afford you." Sandy gets upset at this, then Jack says that the cheapest woman tends to be the one you pay for-OUCH! It's true though: when it comes to sex, a guy ALWAYS PAYS! The only question is whether the charges will be up front, or on the back end. Now, enjoy a clip of Jack Reacher...

My Thoughts on Female YouTubers Addressing Men's Issues


Below is my comment to Sandman MGTOW's most recent video about women commenting on men's issues. While he says that they're part of the Manosphere, I disagree; they comment on men's issues, but they're not part of the 'sphere. Here's the Sandman video on which I commented: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJmc8iKeVx8


Sandman, as someone who follows three of the four women you mentioned; as someone who subscribes to two of their channels; I'd like to comment here. I subscribe to SDM and RFS; I follow Pearly on occasion; and I have no idea who BC is, as I never heard of her before your video. Now, on to my comment.

I think that SDM is sincere; I think she's real; I think she has a good heart. I subscribe to her, and I watch her fairly regularly. I struggled with similar psychological hangups as she did, so I can empathize with her. I think she says things that need to be said, and she does so with wit and humor. She started her channel with the intent of focusing on and directing her content towards women. However, for whatever reason, she got more traction with men. Hence, I wouldn't consider her to be in the Manosphere, and she doesn't place herself there; in fact, she says so in a recent video of hers. I take her at face value, and I believe her when she says that she wants to do her part to fix the damage wrought be feminism. I'll give her props for that. What's going on between men and women isn't what God intended.

Next, I subscribe to Aly too, aka Real Fem Sapien. I wouldn't classify her as Manosphere, either; if anything, I think she targets women as well; most of her content appears to be directed at younger women, and she teaches them how to live as a new Christian, how to live a traditional life, have a happy marriage, and so on. If she brings up men's concerns, it's part of her overall raison d'etre. She's trying to help women understand men, so they can have a better marriage. RFS also brings up men, so as to show how our thoughts, feelings, and actions impact women. Like SDM, RFS isn't a Manosphere; it's just that her content has struck a cord with men as well as women.

As for Pearly, she's more of a moderator/host of a podcast vs. a creator of original content. She has many "woke" guests on, which spices up debate. I don't subscribe to her; I used to, but no more. Though I think her heart is in the right place, many of the debates she hosts are just unwatchable. If I see a video of hers in my feed and it interests me, I'll watch it. Pearly seems to be sincere, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt until I have reason not to.

I cannot comment on Brett Cooper, other than to say WTF were her parents thinking?! Prior to watching this video here, I had no idea who she was. However, since she's part of Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire, I wouldn't trust anything anyone at DW says. Daily Wire is a "Conservative, Inc." organ, and as such, is controlled opposition; i.e. they carry forth The Narrative put forth by the MSM, Deep State, et al. Why do you think Ben Shapiro and other cucks like him are not only still on Big Tech platforms like YouTube and Facebook, but are heavily promoted? Doesn't that raise any eyebrows? You can read what Andrew Torba, Founder/CEO of Gab, has to say here: https://news.gab.com/2023/01/conservative-inc-and-the-deal-with-the-daily-wire-devil/

Anyway, thouse are my thoughts. I think that SDM, RFS, and Pearly are sincere. I wouldn't place either SDM or RFS in the Manosphere though. They're more about undoing the damage wrought by feminism. They just say stuff that needs to be said, and they say things that strike a cord with good people of both sexes. Pearly is more of a moderator, not an original content creator like SDM or RFS. As for BC, she's part of a major Conservative, Inc. organ; for that reason alone, she should be distrusted. Thank you.

11 January 2023

Restricted Movement Due to Climate Cult


Here's a comment I left in response to Stuart Fillingham's first video of the new year. Stu is motorcyclist in the UK who has a fondness for Royal Enfield motorcycles. Since I own a Royal Enfield motorcycle myself, I follow his channel. At times, he discusses issues impacting mobility, as they impact two wheelers as well as four wheelers. In his video, he talks about the Irish, UK, and EU governments enacting movement restrictions-to save the planet, of course. Below is my comment...


Stu, you didn't hear from me, because I respected your wish to have a holiday vacation. Now that you're back, rest assured that many of us Yanks ARE paying attention to what's going on over there! More often than not whatever happens over there finds its way here.

Secondly, we have to stop going along with the climate McGuffin! We can't just say we'll build H2 cars, hybrids, etc.; the only thing to do with the climate cult is to tell them to FUCK OFF! That's it! ICEVs are already very clean, thanks to better emissions controls and refinement of the ICE over the course of more than a century. The climate McGuffin is only being used to get us out of our cars and reduce our freedom of movement.

Thirdly, those of us with brains need to point out that there are plenty of NATURAL PHENOMENA that can change the climate! I'm talking about sunspot numbers; there's a proven correlation between temperatures on Earth with the sunspot numbers. There are terrestrial volcanoes to consider. How many MILLIONS of tons of debris are spewed into the atmosphere with a serious volcanic eruption? Then, there's the matter of undersea volcanoes, which warm the ocean water; warming oceans impact the climate, Folks! What do all three of these phenomena have in common, besides being natural? We cannot control them-end of story. Mother Nature will do whatever the blazes she wants to do.

Fourthly, I remember seeing a History Channel documentary about the Middle Ages, and what the weather was like then. England was quite warm, actually; it was warmer than it is now. How warm? You all had VINEYARDS there in the 1300s! What didn't you have? Man made pollution from cars, factories, etc., because those things didn't exist, nor would they exist for centuries. With that said, the question begs: if humans weren't polluting, then how did England become warmer during the Middle Ages, hmmm? Natural forces were responsible of course; to ask the question is to answer it.

Finally, anyone who's surfed or even spent time in the ocean will tell you how mighty and powerful it is. They'll also tell you how insignificant they feel, because they are. Man thinks he can influence the climate? GTFOOH! Humanity is but a PIMPLE on the ass of Mother Nature! Who are we to think that we have any impact at all?

01 January 2023

Female Delusion by the Numbers


This is a comment to a recent video by Strong Successful Male on YouTube. SSM is a GREAT YouTuber! He puts out a lot of interesting content, and I'd recommend watching his videos.


SSM, I LOVE your channel and your content! Today's episode was good as usual. Now, for a couple of points. One, what the 46 y/o interior designer forgets is that the guys she wants have options; as you pointed out, they can get the 20 somethings who are hotter, nicer, and more agreeable. Besides, no guy, especially a successful one with options like she wants, is going to want to put up with her attitude. Her letter to Market Watch gave a glimpse of her attitude, and any guy with any sense will say NO THANK YOU; that goes double for the guys she's seeking! WTF would they pick her, when they could get someone who's much more desirable? Why?

Now, as for how many guys even have the Triple Sixes (six figure income, 6' or taller, and with a six pack), they're small portion of the population. I'll crunch the numbers in a minute. First, let's look at the percentage of guys in each category, shall we? The % of men earning a six figure income is 22%. The % of men who are 6' or taller is 14.5%. Finally, the % of men with a six pack is about 2%; while I couldn't find an official study confirming that, the 2% figure popped up in my research, so we'll use that.

Now, how do we find the % of men who have the Triple Sixes? How do we find the number of men who meet all three criteria? Well, we crunch some numbers, of course. To find the overall probability of finding a man with the Triple Sixes, we must multiply the individual probabilities together. Mathematically speaking, this looks like: 0.22*0.145*0.02=0.000638. To get the percentage, we multiply this by 100, which looks like: 100*0.000638=0.0638%. Rounding that up, we get 0.064%, or 65 ONE THOUSANDTHS OF A PERCENT! Ah, but we're not through yet...

To figure out the approximate number of men who meet all three criteria (six figures, six feet, and six pack), we must crunch a couple of more numbers. The approximate population of the US is 330 million; if we divide that in half for the number of men, we get 165 million. I know that there are slightly more women than men, but we're just doing some quick and dirty calculation here; we're looking to illustrate a point: female delusion. SO! We multiply 165,000,000 by 0.000638 to find the overall number of men who meet all three criteria. Mathematically speaking, that looks like: 165,000,000*0.000638=105,270. That's right; out of 165,000,000 men in the US, only 105,270 men have the Triple Sixes. That's a SMALL number, Guys! Ah, but we're still not done; there's more!

The 105,270 figure assumes that all these men (i.e. the ones who are Triple Sixes) are all available and are all seeking a relationship. Common sense tells us this isn't the case; common sense tells us that many women will find these men desirable, and will therefore lock them down; IOW, many of these men will be unavailable. Being generous, let's assume that half of these men are off the market; it'll probably be more, as many women will want these men, but let's be generous here to illustrate a point. Mathematically speaking, this looks like: 105,270*0.5=52,635. That's right: out of 165,000,000 men, less than 53,000 meet the Triple Six criteria. When we consider that there are about 165,000,000 women in the US, competing for those 53,000 men, those are LONG ODDS! To put it another way, each of these Triple Six men has 3,135 women to pick from. IOW, women have 3,135:1 odds of finding a Triple Six man.

These numbers, of course, bring up some questions. Why should one of these Triple Six men pick the average woman seeking him out? What makes HER so special? What does she bring to the table? How DELUSIONAL can modern women be? All I can do is shake my head in response. Those are my thoughts...