13 December 2018

Crazy CR, Where Are You?

Crazy CR, where are you? If you read this, leave a comment with your contact info; the comments are moderated, so no one will see it but me. You can also e-mail me.


Anonymous age 76 said...

What a surprise, Marky Mark. I had obviously not checked your blog for a long time, assuming you were far away. I have mixed feelings about this change in your life.

Of course, I hoped you found a good life down there, and were living happily ever after. But, it was not to be, so I cam glad you are able to come back and start living in the US again, since that seems to be necessary.

My only important thought at this point is something a Mexican woman told me. She is the wife of my wife's nephew. She lived in the US for two years as an illegal, and her husband insisted on coming back to Mexico.

I was telling my opinion on just how ornery and immoral and disgusting American women are. She agreed, then added that Mexican women who move to the USA are just as bad after about two years.

I cannot say your honey was corrupted by living in Sodom and Gomorrah, er, I mean the USA for a while. But, likewise I cannot say she was not.

Several years ago, I decided my wife and I needed to have THE TALK. What to do if one of us dies. I told my wife, who much prefers Sodom and Gomorrah to Mexico, if I die, sell this house and take the money back to the States, and help buy or build a duplex so our daughter will be right there to take care of her without an hour drive every day.

Then, she asked me what I would do if she died. I told her the truth. There will be babies in this house. She totally flipped out. Not because of me having a young chick, but because she said she had to work a lot to pay for this house and some young thang would get it without doing anything. Wrong! That young thang will be working literally her tail off to get this house.

I told several local women this story and they never blinked. They know very well I can have babies in this house, even well into my 70's.

A neighbor came back from Wisconsin, and when I told her the same thing, she also flipped out. Very hostile. She lived in the USA for several years, and forgot how things are in Mexico. Also, learned to hate hold men as they do in the USA.

Anonymous age 76

MarkyMark said...


What a PLEASURE to hear from you, sir! I'd tried e-mailing you, but the addy I have didn't work anymore.

My old GF and I have talked since I left. In fact, because I have the former street cat she rescued, we've talked every week so she can see him. She did a splendid job nursing him back to health, so she still cares about the cat and wants to see him whenever she can.

She apologized profusely for what she did, and she's had a good attitude even though I haven't supported her like I used to. She got a job to earn some money. I think we may get back together at some point and I'll end up going back there for good. American culture is still messed up, and I still have more friends down there than I do here. Plus, I miss the neighborhood; it feels like home...

I don't think she's corrupted like an AW-at least not to that extent anyway. She can make chicken soup from scratch, and did so when I got diarrhea down there. Even so, the feminist virus is taking hold in the country. I've met and dealt with women (in a business capacity) who have the same attitudes AW have; they have the same masculine, I'll be taken seriously attitude AW have. On TV, they run the same domestic violence PSAs you used to see up here 20-30 years ago.

After coming back here, I'm reminded of everything I HATE about the USSA. The country is turning into a police state! Come to think of it, I've NEVER seen a sobriety checkpoint down there. The culture here is cold; people in the neighborhood don't talk to you like down there. I just shake my head at what the US has morphed into.

It's late, so I have to go. It's a pleasure hearing from you, Sir! Have a good night...