09 May 2010

Palin Endorses Fiorina: My Commentary & Analysis


It seems that Sarah Palin has endorsed Carly Fiorina in her run for the US Senate.  I have some thoughts on this, which will be interspersed amongst this Fox News piece.


Palin Stands By Fiorina Endorsement Amid Backlash From Supporters

Despite facing fierce criticism from her supporters, Tea Party hero Sarah Palin isn't backing down from her endorsement of former Hewlett-Packard executive Carly Fiorina in the GOP's U.S. Senate primary in California.

Despite facing fierce criticism from her supporters, Tea Party hero Sarah Palin isn't backing down from her endorsement of former Hewlett-Packard executive Carly Fiorina in the GOP's U.S. Senate primary in California.

This development begs an OBVIOUS question: why is Sarah Palin endorsing Carly Fiorina?  Why?  She ran not one, but two, companies into the ground!  Fiorina not only screwed up Hewlett-Packard; she also ran Lucent Technologies, which had been Bell Labs, into the ground!  Yes, that's right; the person who screwed up H-P was also responsible for the demise of an American institution, the formerly world renowned Bell Labs!

You know why I think Sarah Palin endorsed Carly Fiorina?  Because she's supporting The Sisterhood.  I also think that Palin is supporting a kindred, feminist spirit.  Yeah, I said it!  Sorry to burst the bubbles of all you Palin fans out there, but the truth is the truth is the truth.

Palin's endorsement surprised and outraged many of her supporters who expected her to pick Tea Party favorite Chuck DeVore.

I would have liked to have heard more about Mr. DeVore.  Since Fox News and AP didn't do their job, I did it for them; you can go here to read Mr. Devore's bio.  Isn't this story supposed to be about the CA Republican Senate primary, at least indirectly?  I would think so, since this story is about Sarah Palin's endorsement of one of the candidates, Carly Fiorina.

"The governor is never one to go with the flow," Jason Recher, a spokesman for Palin said, explaining that the former Alaska governor respects the differing opinions but is sticking by her choice. "She is a very independent person, and she shakes things up in establishments -- including grassroots establishments -- all the time."

IOW, Mrs. Palin is going to do as she damn well pleases.  Screw you Tea Partiers!  You were dumb fools for believing that Mrs. Palin was a conservative at all!  I mean, she has a bastard grandchild now; that's good olf fashioned, all-American family values for you...

The former Republican vice presidential candidate made the endorsement on her Facebook page, saying Fiorina's experience running a major corporation is sorely lacking in Washington.

Oh, how cheesy is that?!  She made her endorsement on her Facebook page!  If you're so proud of your endorsement, Mrs. Palin, why not be more public about your endorsement?  Why not, in addition to making the announcement on Facebook, make an announcement on TV or radio as well?

As for Carly Fiorina's experience in running a major corporation, oh please!  One, she failed at both Lucent and H-P; by any objective measure, she failed.  Hell, H-P's board of directors thought so highly of Carly Fiorina that they forced her out in 2005!  You mean that kind of experience, Mrs. Palin?  Sorry, but you can keep it, thank you very much.

In the Thursday posting, Palin called Fiorina a "Commonsense Conservative" who has the potential to beat "liberal" Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer in November.

I'm glad I'm not drinking or chewing anything, because I'd have spit it all over my mom's computer here!  What, pray tell me, are Carly Fiorina's conservative credentials?  I'm serious; what are they?  I've never heard them!  In fact, Carly Fiorina sounds like a radical feminist, based on the quote here.  If you don't believe me, you can go here to get it straight from the horse's, er, mouth.

BTW, did you like Ms. Fiorina's new hairdoo?  Why, her hair is shorter than that found on many guys, for cryin' out loud!  She looks like a dyke lesbo-real conservative.

But Eric Odom, chairman of Liberty First PAC, a Tea Party-fueled political action committee, called Palin's endorsement an "unforgivable sin," and her second strike after endorsing her 2008 running mate John McCain in his Senate race.

"This one is much worse, though," Odom wrote on his blog, arguing that Fiorina is not a "commonsense conservative."

"The first strike was painful, but tolerable," he said. "This second strike is downright confusing, dishonest, and leaves me feeling cheated."

Like Mr. Odom, I can understand Mrs. Palin's endorsement of John McCain.  I didn't like it, but I could understand it.  Sarah Palin was trying to show loyalty to the guy who brought her to national prominence in the first place.  In fact, I liked the fact that she showed loyalty to Mr. McCain, because it seemed to show that Sarah Palin had honor and decency about her.

However, I do NOT understand the second endorsement (i.e. of Fiorina) at all.  She has no demonstrable conservative credentials; if anything, one could make a good, solid case that Carly Fiorina is anything BUT conservative.  Two, Fiorina ran TWO of America's greates enterprises, H-P and Lucent (aka Bell Labs), into the ground.

Fiorina -- an adviser on the McCain-Palin ticket in 2008 -- is essentially in a two-person race with former congressman Tom Campbell, who is leading in most polls. DeVore is trailing far behind.

Ah, this is REALLY interesting.  The plot thickens!  In addition to running Lucent & H-P into the ground, Carly Fiorina was part of the failed McCain-Palin ticket in '08!  I could understand Palin's endorsement of Fiorina if she and McCain had been successful; after all, you have to reward those who help you get power.  I can't understand rewarding failure though....

More than 7,400 Palin fans clicked the "like" button on the Facebook endorsement, but the snub of DeVore prompted the Facebook outcry.

A lot of good the Facebook outcry will do those dumb, naive Tea Partiers...

There is no "dislike" button on Facebook. But scores of the nearly 1,800 comments from Palin's 1.5 million-plus Facebook supporters -- many among the Tea Party faithful -- took the time to plead in Facebook comments for Palin to change her endorsement.

There's no 'dislike' button?  Gee, I wonder why-not!  All right, sarcasm is off...

Some called Palin just another typical politician who was losing supporters, while others said they backed her choice and still admired her. Both sentiments also were posted on Palin's Facebook Wall.

The folks who still like Palin and think she's a conservative need to wake up and smell the coffee already.  She endorsed a card carrying feminist in the form of Carly Fiorina!  This is the same Sarah Palin who was endorsed by the leader of LA's NOW chapter; this is the same Sarah Palin who sings the praises of Title IX; this is the same Sarah Palin who sings praises of Hilary Clinton's shattering of the vaunted 'glass ceiling'.  Yeah, Palin's some conservative-not!

Palin later posted an addendum, noting that "some reaction right out of the chute calls for more information."

What she really means is more 'spin control'...

She listed reasons for her support, including the endorsement of Fiorina by National Right to Life and the California Pro-Life Council.

Is Carly Fiorina, like Sarah Palin, also a member of Feminists for Life too?  You know, that conservative, all-American institution that, other than being pro life, agrees with every plank of NOW's platform?  Just because someone is pro life doesn't mean that they're conservative at all.

"She is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-military and pro-strict border security and against amnesty," Palin wrote. "Carly is also a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. Like me, she is a member of the (National Rifle Association), has a 100 percent NRA rating, and she and her husband are gun owners."

That second statement is an outright lie!  Yeah, I said it!  I would like to examine the second statement, the one about Carly Fiorina being in favor of traditional marriage.  Again, if I'd had anything in my mouth, I'd have spit it all over my mom's computer.  If you want some basic info on Mrs. Fiorina's personal life, you can read the Wiki about that here.

One, in order to rise the heights she has, Mr. Frank Fiorina would have had to become Carly's 'kitchen bitch'; he would have had to become her 'Mr. Mom'.  In order for any woman to rise to the heights that Carly Fiorina has, she has to have a husband that, as the business publications put it, is 'willing to take a back seat'.  That's a euphemism for a guy willing to be the 'kitchen bitch'-hardly the model for a traditional marriage!

Two, a traditional marriage entails having the wife at home to raise the kids.  Carly Fiorina has never, ever done that-never!  No, Mrs. Fiorina has spent her entire adult life working.  If anything, I could make a stronger case for her having a modern, pro-feminist style of marriage.  Just read her bio or Google her name, and you'll see that I'm right.  If you're too lazy to do that, then go to Carly's Wiki here.

Finally, those who have a traditional marriage do not divorce, let alone marry someone else-duh!  If you check out the aforementioned Wiki on Carly's personal life, you'll see that her marriage to Frank Fiorina is the second marriage for both of them.  Well, in order to have a second marriage, that means that there was a first marriage.  That means that they're both divorced.  For those who have REAL traditional marriages, the first marriage is the only one.

The above paragraph quotes Sarah Palin singing Carly Fiorina's praises; it has her citing Fiorina's conservative credentials.  Well, we've established that Palin is lying about Fiorina's traditional marriage; what else is she lying about, hmmm?  Sorry, but the question begs to be asked...

In a debate taped Thursday to be broadcast Sunday, Campbell was the only one of the three GOP candidates to say the ability to buy a gun should be suspended if a citizen's name is placed on the airline "no-fly" list.

Fiorina and DeVore said the list is not dependable for making assessments about Second Amendment rights.

Dawn Wildman, whose San Diego-based Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition has about 2,000 members, said she has been fielding calls and emails from Tea Partiers who feel betrayed by Palin's endorsement.

"My first thought when I heard about the endorsement was, wow, I guess she doesn't plan to run in 2012," Wildman said.

Wildman said there was consensus among her fellow activists when it came to supporting DeVore.

Perhaps that's because Chuck DeVore, judging by his background, is a bona fide conservative.  Plus, the CA Tea Partiers, the folks on the ground, know best...

"I think most of us see Palin as a company girl now, meaning the GOP," Wildman said. "For her to endorse Fiorina wasn't terribly shocking. I think what's more interesting is that Palin tries to suggest she aligns herself with the Tea Party movement but is clearly out of touch with what the Tea Party movement is saying in California."

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!  We have a winner!  Dawn Wildman gets it.

In Fairbanks, Alaska, Tea Partier Rita Heidkamp said she has no personal position on the California endorsement. But it's Palin's choice to make, and no one else's, said Heidkamp, whose group -- the Fairbanks 912 Project -- organized a local Tea Party tax day rally.

"She should endorse whoever she thinks is the best candidate," Heidkamp said. "That's her right and her responsibility."

Yes, it is her [Palin's] right to endorse Carly Fiorina.  That said, it betrays an apalling lack of conservative values.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


That concludes my thoughts on Sarah Palin's endorsement.  I'd like to thank Laura Grace Robins for finding this.  She did a post on this too, but her take was a little different from mine.  Have a good day.  Until next time...
