22 January 2025

Reasons for the "Double Standard"


Here's yet another comment to YouTube that I want to save for posterity. My comment is in response to this video here. It pertains to that big, Feminazi boogie man, the "double standard" A woman groused at the fact that men were saying that the subject of the video was an example of the trauma women suffer from a high body count. She said, "it's okay for men to sleep around, yet it wasn't okay for women to do so. Make it make sense." So, I did just that. My comment below was in response to her dig at the "double standard", i.e. studs being celebrated while sluts are disparaged. Anyway, here goes...


​ @carlousmagus5387  neither men or women should sleep around, as both are affected; they're affected in different ways, but both men and women are negatively impacted by promiscuity. That's number one.

Number two, to address your implied dig at the "double standard", there are reasons for it. Both the content and tone of your comment betray your dislike for the "double standard". You think that if a man sleeps with 100 women, then there's nothing wrong with a woman sleeping with 100 men. While the numbers may be equal here, that's where the equality stops. I'll explain.

Firstly, women want what other women want; the more women a man has, the more desirable he is to other women. Women are big on social proof. If you see a man with a gaggle of women around him, the first thought in your female hind brain will be that there must be something special about him; he must be good, because has all these women around him.

Seocndly, it takes more effort for a guy to sleep with one woman than it takes a woman to sleep with 100 guys. For a guy to even have a chance at sleeping with a  woman, he has to have good game; he has to know how to be a smooth talker, confident, etc. He has to be in the gym; he has to have a good body to get women interested. He has to wear nice clothes. He has to drive the right car. He has to have a certain amount of money. And that's just to get IN the game! That doesn't guarantee a conquest-not by a long shot.

OTOH, in order for a woman to get laid, all she has to do is show up. All she has to do is: 1) go where some guys are: and 2) let it be known that she's DTF. THAT'S IT! If she does those two, simple things, she'll get laid. It doesn't matter what she looks like, either; even if she's fat, ugly, and smelly, if she asks if any guys want to go home with her, she'll have takers.

Thirdly and finally, there's the matter of paternity. When you, as a woman, pop a baby out of your loins, you have NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that it's your child-none! A man doesn't enjoy the same certainty. There's a pithy, little saying that sums up this situation: Mommy's baby, Daddy's maybe. A man can never have the same certainty of paternity that a woman does. Hence, sexual access to women has always been restricted.

In closing, let's recap. Does promiscuity negatively impact both men and women? Yes, but in different ways. Two, there are reasons for the double standard, not the least of which is that women find "players" much more desirable than they do guys who aren't good with women. Three, the effort required of a man to have sex far exceeds that of a woman; all a woman has to do is show up. Three, in order to assure certainty of paternity, women's sexual activity needs to be restricted, so the father can be reasonably sure that the kids are his. Women have no doubt that a child is theirs; men do not.

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