07 April 2013

Apollo 13: Let's Build a Filter!


Though male thinking is bashed and trashed in modern society, modern society would NOT be possible without it.  Sorry Girls, but you are NOT superior, contrary to what you may have been told!  Here, in this clip from one of my all time favorite movies, we see an example of logical, male thinking and problem solving in action...

Notice how the boys got things sorted out?  Notice how they solved the problem at hand?  One MEN can do that; only men can, with cold hearted logic, solve a problem when it really matters.  It's things like this that make me PROUD to be a man!  Hope you enjoyed that, Fellas...



Anonymous said...

A team of women engineers would have had them sing Kumbaya...

Anonymous age 71

Sophia said...

No one should ever go through life thinking themselves inferior or superior. It leads only to hurt and folly...

Take The Red Pill said...

"No one should ever go through life thinking themselves inferior or superior. It leads only to hurt and folly..."

Go and tell that bit of wisdom to the feminists; then come back here and tell us how they responded.

You'll probably find that they think that it's great -- but only men should be made (by the point of the guns of government) to follow it. We men have known that for at least fifty years.