Specter, one of our stalwarts on Mancoat, found this gem at the Experience Project. It features men speaking about their wives, and how their wives REALLY treat them. Every time I read something like this, it confirms and validates my decision to remain single. TGIS!
I have featured three comments, each of which is a different color. Men, if this doesn't get the lesson across, nothing will! If you have sexual needs, then resort to self stimulation; either that, or use whores. Regardless of which method you use, you won't have to put up with some woman's BS when you're done.
That reminds me: you know what they say about using hookers? You don't pay them for 'doing the deed'; you pay them to leave when you're done-ha! Read this, and remember that THIS is what you're in for if you get married. If a woman is reading this, then learn how NOT to be a royal bitch. Better yet, try something REALLY revolutionary-treat him like a human being! He'll really freak out over that! Thank you, and enjoy this piece...
"she tells me she loves me sooo much but her actions say otherwise. in my book actions speak louder then words. "
This is important. This describes most male - female relationships
and leaves men utterly confused.
Q - so why do women act completely irrational and insane?
A - because they care more about validated FEELINGS than anything or anyone else in life.
Despite men's best efforts to "please" or meet the requirements of the male in the relationship, women will always find fault rather than give praise.
This is due to her FEELING that life is a zero sum game. If a man does something good she instantly FEELS she must even the "score" by doing something good herself (HARD) or tearing him down(EASY) to make her FEEL better about herself.
If a man does something bad or unacceptable to her, then it is the wife's sworn duty to beat him to death with whatever he did wrong . Why? Because he made her FEEL bad/embarrassed/uncomfortable.
Women do something stupid and who is to blame? Who gets the fallout? MEN! And why ? Because you made her FEEL bad.
Men don't want an admission of guilt or a defense of your
"case". Just say "sorry, I screwed up" and take responsibility for yourself.
"Oh but you don't UNDERSTAND how I FEEL!!"
A relationship is not a fkn courtroom , ladies. Men who love you do not want to play the judge/jury/executioner/role and we sure as HELL don't wanna be your DADDY!!
We do not care to hear you plead your emotion-based defense of your latest volley of complaint/criticisms/******* and we are not gonna pat you on the head and tell you what a great woman you are when you are being a TOTAL *****!
Women NEVER WANT TO ADMIT THAT THEY ARE WRONG because they feel totally justified by their FEELINGS. They have been conditioned and trained their whole lives to believe that their FEELINGS are never WRONG.
Think about that for a minute.
How would you like to live a life where you were never wrong guys? Where everything you did and said could be TOTALLY justified by your FEELINGS at the time?
"Sorry those people died crushed in the rubble but I didn't FEEL that the third structural support was necessary on that bridge. NOW YOU MUST ALL VALIDATE MY FEELING!!!"
Okay ,girls here's one Oprah will never teach you.
Feelings without thought or physical evidence are bullsh*t.
Feelings are totally temporary and men are NOT gonna spend their lives and waste words validating your temporary bullsh*t.
Soulless and Stupid.
How else do you describe them? The modern American woman simply has no concept of logic or common sense. She doesn't even have a grasp of the traditionally female strengths of love and devotion. They are so wrapped up in their tiny little make believe worlds that they can't/won't see what they have right in front of them.
More concerned with "American Idol" and "Dancing with the Stars" than with marriage or family, the modern American woman is a model of self-centered stupidity. Her "marriage" is just a long footnote to the shallow , vapid, Barbie dream house wedding that she fully believes that she is entitled to( due to her sheer personal awesomeness) . "Love" is defined by the length of the number in the price tag of the gifts she receives.The irrelevant bastard she has managed to trap with false affection and then chain to her side with the aid of "fear of divorce" is only as important as what he has done for her lately. He sticks around hoping against hope that at best she will eventually recognize him as pretty good person or at least not destroy him financially or cause pain for his children in the inevitable divorce.
Totally uninterested in a "relationship" or honesty , they present pretty faces that conceal the heart of a snake. They spend thousands of dollars on hair,clothes and makeup preparing the "honey trap" that, once sprung, will entitle her BY LAW to half of her male victim's net worth and most of the custody of any children, regardless of how horribly she treats their father.
Thoughtless,heartless,disrespectful, greedy little psychic vampires , emptying their prey, getting thrills from torturing her mate with the weapons of sexual refusal, constant nagging , emotional immaturity and embarassing public attacks.
"Wife" ? Are you kidding ? The word is synonymous with misery. Wife refers to the female parasite that exists only to feed itself from the lifeblood of it's unlucky male hosts.
The reality is this: If it weren't for male biological needs, women would have NOTHING to offer.
Soulless and Stupid.
I t has been some time since I have written. I have been trying to digest my wife's latest and greatest. On Christmas Eve, she announced that she no longer loves me. Seven years of marriage, two children later and as she put it, "I really feel sorry for you... it's not your fault, it's like I just don't feel anything anymore". I asked if she found someone else, and her response was no. I want to believe it, but my heart tells me she's full of it. Since then, I find that my mind wanders from time to time. I find myself plotting her death, laughing at her funeral, going to jail happy, but then I remember my children and how I would in effect be leaving them.
So, I'm left to only dream. In the interim, we have set-up an appointment to see a marriage counselor. The thing is, I'm not sure if I really do want to work this out. Between her "working" 14 to 15 hours a day (as a teacher?), going out drinking with her work buddies every Friday night (sometimes until 7am Saturday morning), her incredibly selfish behavior and inconsiderate ways, I have trouble remembering what I ever saw in her.
Forget about hating her, I have started hating myself for being such an idiot for marrying her in the first place. If I could build a time machine and go back, I would shoot myself in the head as I stood at the alter. It would have been less heartache for all concerned.
If you are reading this and are considering getting married, PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE... DON'T!!!! I don't care how much in love you THINK you are, or what the situation is, DON'T DO IT!!!! That sweet, loving, considerate bride will change over the years and she will LEARN how to hurt you in ways you didn't think you could ever be hurt. DON'T trust anyone, most of all, your own heart. It will fool you!
Makes you want to run out and get married, doesn't it? That was a joke, Fellas; laugh already! If you're single, stay that way. If you find yourself longing for that 'special someone' to come home to, read this again; remind yourself of what you're REALLY in for should you say 'I do'. When you have a chance, also look at any married man you know. Is he happy? Yeah, that's what I thought. Stay happy, single, and free, Fellas; the life you save may be your own! Until next time...
After reading that I've just got to get married as soon as possible or else I'll wither and die from sadness and a broken heart...
/sarcasm off
What made this post worse was just the sheer amount of complaints in that link. Goddamn. Unbelievable.
I don't feel sorry for these men. These are the same men who ridiculed us men's rights activists and arrogantly proclaimed that their women were "different."
Men co-opted by women into the misery of marriage deserve asked for their suffering. The only way to atone is to dissuade other men from making the same mistake.
Sadly, most of these men will divorce, marry again, divorce again, and never leave the cycle. The smart ones make the mistake once and only once.
Good post, BTW.
I'm sorry you guys ended up with such heartless creatures. I know women complain that men expect servants, and while true in some cases, it doesn't help to be a back biting bitch, it just pulls you down to that low level. I like how me and my boyfriend are, we just want to support one another and be best friends along with lovers and life partners. I think a lot of women now forget that.
I'm one who made the mistake once, and only once. I thought marrying a foreign woman would help. Nope. It took 27 years, but my Guatemalan wife turned into one of THEM. Now, I happily avoid ALL women. I just don't see where I need one. The price you pay is not near what you get in return. I know some of you guys consider us losers, but let me ask you a question. How many truly happily married men do you know? That's what I thought.
OK, let me state the obvious: women make a great big production out of marriage and commitment. But it does not last. Perhaps it is because women are too driven by their feeeeelings. Perhaps because they are really in love not with hubbie but with the idea of having a wedding and being attention-whore-for-a-day. Perhaps because it is all one big sh*t test to see if men will jump through their hoops.
so why do women act completely irrational and insane?
Because a lot of women are irrational and insane. Again, this was understood by most civilizations, hence the customs and laws keeping women from having any real power.
Between her "working" 14 to 15 hours a day (as a teacher?), going out drinking with her work buddies every Friday night (sometimes until 7am Saturday morning)...
Uh...and he wonders if she has someone else in her life?
Have a cup of coffee, my man...
Now a couple of judges in CA want to over turn what the people spoke on in CA and validate same sex marriage so dudes marrying dudes and chicks marrying chicks can find out what a sham marriage is......
Most men are chained because they play the relationship dance ... following the lead of the woman.
The men who seem to be able to handle women ...
date just like women, e.g. when she's not around, he gets back to his work.
That's how most women view most men ... even the men they are in a relationship with, _IF HE IS NOT HER PRIORITY_ (chances are VERY good, if he's not her first boyfriend, that will be the case)
Because most women see men they know as filling a role, and not as individuals with their own motivations.
Hence why they can very easily move on, even after telling a newspaper "He's the love of my life".
Women with so much love to give to so many others ...
don't treasure any single love all that much.
Hormones. All these guys did what they did cuz they were drugged. Possibly the most liberating moment in any man's life is when he hits his late thirties and early forties and that hormone induced drugging finally wears off and he can see women clearly for the first time.
P Ray said: "Because most women see men they know as filling a role, and not as individuals with their own motivations.
Hence why they can very easily move on, even after telling a newspaper "He's the love of my life".
Women with so much love to give to so many others ...
don't treasure any single love all that much."
This is it right here. That is THE answer to all of it. As a man you are as unique and valuable to a woman as a screwdriver is unique and valuable to you.
"I find myself plotting her death, laughing at her funeral, going to jail happy, but then I remember my children and how I would in effect be leaving them."
Am I the only one who finds this more than a little inappropriate, in light of what that Josh Powell did over the weekend to his poor kids (and probably to his wife as well)?
Anonymous 05:38 --
"Sadly, most of these men will divorce, marry again, divorce again, and never leave the cycle. The smart ones make the mistake once and only once."
The wise learn from their mistakes.
The very wise learn from other people's mistakes.
"There are three kinds of men: those who learn by reading, the few who learn by observation, and the rest of them who have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."
-- Will Rogers
Am I the only one who finds this more than a little inappropriate, in light of what that Josh Powell did over the weekend to his poor kids (and probably to his wife as well)?
Did you find Sharon Osborne's remarks about finding male, genital mutilation 'inappropriate'? Did you find Lorena Bobbitt's dastardly deed inappropriate? Did you find the fact that women nationwide CHEERED for her and what she did inappropriate? I was just wondering...
"Did you find Sharon Osborne's remarks about finding male, genital mutilation 'inappropriate'?"
"Did you find Lorena Bobbitt's dastardly deed inappropriate?"
"Did you find the fact that women nationwide CHEERED for her and what she did inappropriate?"
Some men and women nationwide had sympathy and even approval for Lorena Bobbit. Some men and women nationwide had disgust and even hatred for Lorena Bobbit. Unless you're referring to some poll taken of solely women everywhere where some staggering majority claimed they agreed with her actions, I'm not sure what your point is. Is there some Lorena Bobbit Approval Rating System that you're drawing your claims from? I was just wondering.
I was also just wondering what male genital mutilation has to do with Josh Powell, or how it compares to the violent murder of between two and three innocent individuals.
Yes, we should roundly condemn people who say things or act in ways that promote violence. If I was Sharon Osbourne's boss, I'd have fired her, or at least forced her to sincerely apologize on television and take major charitable action to make amends with victims of female-on-male domestic violence.
But I'm not Sharon Osbourne's boss. I don't know much about her, but I'm guessing that she's her own boss and exercises her right to free speech the way she chooses to do so.
I am just another person who is upset by her hateful and ignorant words. So the best I can do is think a little more closely about my own words, lest I show a lack of sensitivity regarding serious issues, or worse yet lest I condone violent/hateful behavior with my words. That to me just seems to be morally superior to spouting my own inappropriate words and then using folks like Sharon Osbourne as an excuse for my own ineptitude at being a thoughtful, mature human being.
I'm old enough to REMEMBER Lorena Bobbitt and the stir she created. All I can tell you is that we were shown media clips of women CHEERING what she did; all I can tell you is that no woman I knew personally decried or condemned what she did in any way. Perhaps there were some women who did condmen Bobbitt's actions, but I never knew of them, nor did I hear and/or see them.
Now, pray tell me, what conclusion should I draw from that? What am I supposed to think? Am I supposed to think that women like and adore men? Or, is it more logical to deduce that women hate men? Moreover, who STARTED this hatefest? Was it not WOMEN who started this War of the Sexes? Was it not women who kept it going? Finally, what are men supposed to do after enduring DECADES of such treatment? Are we supposed to bend over and say, "Thank you Ma'am, may I have another?" It's a truism that, if you kick a loyal dog often enough, it'll sooner or later turn on you. Men, after having been kicked (figuratively speaking) for decades, are finally turning on women.
You know how women are always saying that men are like dogs? Well, if women treated us 1/10 as well as they treated dogs, that'd be a HELL of an improvement! We wish that women would treat us like dogs; at least there'd be some semblance of dignity and respect there.
Am I the only one who finds this more than a little inappropriate, in light of what that Josh Powell did over the weekend to his poor kids (and probably to his wife as well)?
So, what's your point? Do you think the entire world comes to a stop because 3 people died? It WOULD have been inappropriate had MarkyMark run an article about Powell and then jokingly said that many men plan on killing their wives and children and then given that quote.
If we want to talk about what's inappropriate, no, just plain evil, try how the government and its hired thugs USED the two Powell boys as a lever against the father in order to break him.
It doesn't matter that some, many or all people believe Powell "probably" killed his wife. We are innocent until proven guilty. And no matter how probably we believe someone is guilty, if it can't be proven, then we, as a society, are obligated to treat the person as innocent. It's worse to lock up one innocent man than to let many criminals free. And it would have been better to let the Powell case go cold and a probable killer go free because it is likely the two boys would still be alive. We used to be a society that would rather err on the side of life, liberty and freedom.
But no, it's the feminine mindset - "I just feel he's guilty so we have to get him no matter what" - which permeates our entire society. It sticks in the craw and it doesn't matter how many people the government has to roll over to get its man.
And if we want to talk about "inappropriate" let's start with what our government is doing in the Middle East. The majority of Americans go on with their daily lives oblivious to what their government is doing in their name over there. When Madeleine Albright said it was OK that half a million Iraqi children died, it caused hardly a blip in the USA (and still doesn't).
But, I suppose the death of one or two is a tragedy while half a million is only a statistic.
MarkyMark --
"...It's a truism that, if you kick a loyal dog often enough, it'll sooner or later turn on you. Men, after having been kicked (figuratively speaking) for decades, are finally turning on women."
WELL SAID! Men are finally having enough of being figuratively spat on, crapped on, and kicked around by the Femborg Hate Machine and it's followers, manginas, and White Knights.
Shaming language doesn't work anymore (except on the weaklings), and more and more men are taking The Red Pill as time goes on. (And some womyn are getting alarmed; remember the recent articles about how the MGTOW movement is concerning some of them. Nothing alarms a slavemaster so much as slaves who leave the plantation and refuse to return -- after all, it sets a bad example for the other slaves.)
The tide is beginning to turn, and things are gonna get UGLY in the future. The economy that supports the Matriarchy is getting weaker and soon the "Women Above All" government programs won't be able to be compete with those of the other 'entitled' groups.
Things are gonna come crashing down on the femborgs and their two-faced supporters.
And then the womyn who say "I'm sorry about feminism" / "I'm Really Not Like That" / "I'm not a feminist" (which we're hearing more of in the Manosphere) will be reminded of an old saying:
"'I'm Sorry' doesn't pay the bulldog!".
It doesn't matter Mark. It is women who will suffer the most from all this. More and more men are either dropping women all together, or pumping and dumping them. And refusing long term relationships with them. Eventually the beast will be starved out of existence. I think this will come sooner rather than later.
"But I'm not Sharon Osbourne's boss. I don't know much about her, but I'm guessing that she's her own boss and exercises her right to free speech the way she chooses to do so."
Ah yes. That's why she still has her job and why thousands of women held slutwalks to condemn one guy who said dressing provocatively might attract the eye of a predator.
When a woman says it, it is free speech. When a man says it, it is hate speech. And this is why your comment is disingenuous and why women are viewed as hypocrites whose word isn't worth dirt.
Why do strong, independent, empowered, educated and dynamic women ...
always need handouts for their natural brilliance to be recognised?
They should simply wipe out the competition with their superior ability. Let the consumer decide.
(And they should also adhere to the proper legal process while doing so ... unless of course, laws are only for men, women are so superior that they don't need them -- until another woman "gives them the bash" ...)
If good women want to show men how good they are ...
they should get in the faces of "not good" women and tell them to fix their mistakes and flaws of character.
The "I didn't hurt you, therefore I don't understand why I need to be nice to you (at least when it comes to relationships)" idiocy from women is laughable,
considering that every man in a relationship with a woman, that isn't her first, is paying compensation for men that she felt hurt by.
Can you tell that a man asking compensation from a woman for the previous hurts women inflicted on him, will be told to take a hike?
This is the reason why men "have" to get the women they are attracted to, the shiny, material things of life: compensation for not being attractive enough for her to consider life with him without wanton materialism.
That is also a sure indicator, that the man is not her first love: A good relationship is not based around THINGS passed between people.
These posts are great. I'm in my late twenties and despite the fact that in this economy I don't have a stable income I still am not hurting for money because when I do work, I don't waste most of that money. Sure Bernanke is devaluing my money, but even he can't turn it all into nothing right away.
So therefore now I'm getting a ton of pressure from all angles to get married. This pressure was nonexistant when I was in HS or college and desperately wanted commitment from women but was mostly rebuffed. Now it's all there though.
Every time I read these types of entries it helps steel myself and stay on the path I am on. The path of early retirement and enjoying a stress free life.
Thank you and keep it up.
Anonymous 17:42 --
"Living well is the best revenge."
"Revenge is a dish best served cold."
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