15 June 2013

Cost/Benefit Analysis of Getting Poon, by BEM


I have some BRILLIANT commenters here @ MarkyMark's Thoughts on Various Issues; I'm humbled when they share their thoughts, given their depth of wisdom, experience, and knowledge.  The following comment was made in response to the OCS classic I posted My Take on All Women Aren't Like That.  You'll see why when you read BEM's thoughts on the cost/benefit analysis of poon.  This is good stuff!  Enjoy...


Since the issue of game has been raised, I would like to chime in. I have, in my time, practiced game and gotten my share of poontang, for whatever it's worth - and let me tell you, as someone who is nearing forty, and who's shagged dozens of women, that the costs of pussy FAR outweigh the benefits.

Don't believe me? Consider the case of Ben Roethlisberger, a multi-millionaire athlete and two-time Super Bowl champion, a man at whom most women would hurl themselves in a heartbeat. The word just came out that Big Ben will not be charged with sexual assault for the incident that occurred in Georgia last month. Sources say that the alleged victim made inconsistent statements in her testimony, and had a high blood alcohol content on the night of the incident.

This is all unsurprising to me, as well as to many readers of MM's blog, but consider this: What if Roethlisberger was NOT a wealthy man who could counter the shenanigans of law enforcement officials with a crack investigative team of his own? In other words, what if he was like you or me? His life would be in ruins, that's what.

I've been where the game-players like illness are, cocky as shit, thinking they've got the world by the tail, that nothing bad will happen to them as they chase tail, night after night. Well, as a retired game-player, I can look back on my pussy-chasing days and realize that for the most part, in regards to any ramifications from my actions, I was lucky more than I was good.

The same goes for the other game-players out there. Guys, you can be as damn well arrogant as you like, but right now you're beating the law of averages, that's all. Maybe you'll be lucky like me and continue to stay a few steps ahead of disaster - but then again, maybe you won't. I advise you to pause, and consider my words.

One can only beat the laws of averages and probability for so long.  To put it another way, sooner or later, your luck WILL run out, Fellas...

After all, it only takes ONE woman to "regret" being with you ONE time to turn your life into a never-ending FUBAR nightmare.



As I said, that was GREAT!  It's a warning to all you PUA studs out there; sooner or later, your luck will run out, and you best remember that.  Until next time...



Anonymous said...

In other words, dont put your dick in crazy

Screen for psychotic chicks ...

Also stick with rotating 2 or 3 long term women, instead of banging tons of chicks ...

You avoid std's & crazy in one go ...

If you want to bang tons of chicks, go overseas

They've got better quality sluts anyway ... lol

The above is what most PUA's do

Banging tons of chicks, are usually newbs & beginners to game

MarkyMark said...

Thanks for an interesting comment, Max...

Anonymous said...

Marky, if you're taking this kid seriously then I have to wonder about you.These pua boys don't have a pot to piss in and can't afford to go anywhere.And the same character traits that make them a failure in the US will make them a failure all over.

Anonymous said...


np, I totally agree false rape & false dv are a problem

Also, I love seeing these antigamers crying in their basements after reading my posts ... lol

Anyway, in my experience, super sluts are most likely to use false rape, on guys who dont confront them on their slutting around

Basically if you date a chick who sleeps around & you dont confront her, she'll resent you for it, leading to a false rape accusation

Regular women, with low partner counts, avoid giving a crap about stuff like rape culture etc.,

Its usually sluts who're always claiming they were raped & abused

Promiscous women can smell a beta bux sucker a mile away ... lol

I've seen beta's getting tooled by their girlfriend, while she ploughs all of the guys in his social circle ...

The excuse he used for her cheating on him, she told the guy repeatedly she had a bf, while she got ploughed ... lol

Sure enough she accused the bf of rape, after he stopped banging her ...

Anonymous said...

This is so obvious, that eventually your luck runs out, that it seems stranger we even need to debate it.

That was the reason for the traditional morality.

Anonymous age 71

patriarchal landmine said...

the only way to win is not to play.

pua is as useless as marriage. we must excise it from our lives or suffer the consequences.

Crimson Viceroy said...


PERFECTLY SUMMED UP. Bingo, that's the million dollar answer right there. Of course, some men just can't overcome their dicks long enough to embrace the freedom that they have.