25 December 2024

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope that you are in good health today, and that you're doing well. I hadn't planned on posting today, and I damn well didn't think I'd be posting this. I thought it might be a few days or weeks before posting again. However, I hadn't planned on seeing this video on Bo's Legion of Men channel either, nor had I planned on making the below comment. Here's another comment I want to preserve for posterity.

The video you're about to watch is about how private equity firms are buying up mobile home parks. They've been buying up whole neighborhoods of homes too. Because they can pay cash and pay 20%-30% over the asking price, private equity firms are snapping up homes all over America, and they're helping to put home ownership out of reach for more and more people. Thanks to what's been happening in the housing market, my home's value has DOUBLED! This whole situation is a conundrum for me, which I explain in the below comment...


Bo, I FEEL you! I had been a fourth generation Republican, but I got disgusted with them. I'm disgusted with the Democrats too, so I became an Independent a few years ago. I'm retired, and I'm a veteran (didn't retire from the Navy though). This isn't the America I grew up in. I remember how, as a 14 year old boy back in 1976 (America's Bicentennial, our 200th b'day), carrying the American flag in a Memorial Day parade for my Boy Scout troop. I was SO proud! That was one of the highlights of my life. I was so proud of the American flag and what it represented. The America of today is not the America of 1976. I am disgusted with what America has become. I'm disgusted beyond words.

As someone who leans conservative and libertarian; as someone who's all for minimal gov't; I don't know if we can do without gov't, let alone keep gov't out of business. Part of me says that no one should be prohibited from buying or selling something to or from anyone else. OTOH, when private equity firms pull this shit, I can't take a hands-off approach, either. That's where conservatism and libertarianism fall apart; they think that gov't can do no right, while business and private individuals can do no wrong. With socialism gets wrong is that they think gov't can do no wrong, while businesses and private individuals can do no right. So, what's the answer? I don't know. What we have clearly isn't working though.

While I am doing okay with what I have at the moment, but who knows about the future? I "own" a small, simple house free and clear. I put the word "own" in quotes because, thanks to property taxes, one never truly owns their own home. The taxes have been kept reasonable-for now; so have any increases, which have been below inflation since I've lived here. Who knows if I'll be able to afford the taxes 5 or 10 years from now? On the one hand, I like where I am; I like my house after fixing it up; and I'd like to stay here. OTOH, I might have to renew my passport, and look at moving overseas. After seeing this, I think I better plan a recon trip to SE Asia, so I can check things out. As much as I would like to stay put, I'd better be prudent and keep my options open.

24 December 2024

Is Climate Change Man Made? Not So Fast!


I left the below comment in response to this video. It was too good to leave it forgotten in a YouTube comment, so I copied and pasted it below for posterity. The presenter mentioned climate change as a reason to promote cycling in cities. While I'm an avid cyclist (I own five bikes!); while I try to use my bike for more than just fun (I run short errands on it); I don't want my car taken away, either. Also, I question just how big a role humans play in climate change, as I think there are sinister, ulterior motives for it, questions which I raise in the comment below.

Before I forget, MERRY CHRISTMAS, everyone! I wish you nothing but health and happiness on this Christmas Eve of 2024.


My second comment concerns climate change. I don't know of man is playing much, if any, role in climate change. One, CO2 is a trace gas in the atmosphere; it comprises 0.033% of Earth's atmosphere. I'll provide sourcing at the end. Two, CO2 is necessary for life; CO2 is to plants what O2 is to us: the breath of life. Via the process of photosynthesis, plants "inhale" CO2, and they "exhale" O2. Plants need CO2, while we need O2. To put it another way, more CO2 means more plant life, which ultimately means more O2 for us. Thirdly, methane (hereafter referred to as CH4), comprises an even smaller portion of the Earth's atmosphere, as it is measured in PPM. To learn more about CO2 and CH4 composition in the Earth's atmosphere, go to the linked, official US Government document (an FAA advisory circular), and consult the table on page 17, which is found here: https://www.faa.gov/documentlibrary/media/advisory_circular/ac_00-6b.pdf

Five, if human driven climate change were REALLY a thing, then WHY, pray tell, are India and China, basically exempt from the Paris Climate Accords? Why are they permitted to build all the dirty coal power plants they want, while Western nations are forbidden from doing so? Why are Western nations forbidden from building any fossil fuel power plants, including clean natural gas, at all? If climate change were really the problem that we're told that it is, shouldn't all nations be playing their part to reduce emissions? After all, thanks to high altitude winds, won't these emissions be spread worldwide? Won't they ultimately affect the whole world? Hence, shouldn't China and India, two of the worlds biggest polluters, also be subject to the Paris Climate Accords? To ask those questions is to answer them.

Six, many of those promoting human climate change don't believe it. Our former President, Barack Obama, constantly preached warnings about climate change and how it would cause sea levels to rise. Even so, he and his wife purchased a $15,000,000 mansion ON THE BEACH! If rising sea levels were going to be a problem anytime soon, then why spend that kind of money on an expensive property that will soon be submerged? Wouldn't that be a huge, irresponsible waste of money? In other words, if the Obamas REALLY believed in climate change and rising sea levels, wouldn't they buy a place on higher ground? Again, to ask the question is to answer it.

Seven, another factor of climate change (I dare say the major one) that's ignored are natural factors. I'm talking about volcanoes, undersea volcanoes, and sunspots. It's no secret that erupting volcanoes spew THOUSANDS of tons of debris and gas into the atmosphere! Anyone remember Mt. St. Helens? Anyone remember Mt. Pinatubo? Or how about the 1815 eruption of Mt. Tambora, which gave us the year with no summer, 1816? Can you say that volcanoes have no effect on climate? What about undersea volcanoes? They heat up the ocean, and the ocean is a major driver of Earth's weather. The well known weather phenomena of El Nino and La Nina are both tied to ocean temperatures, and both El Nino and La Nina have a huge impact on our weather. High ocean temperatures are also the energy and driver of hurricanes.What can we do about undersea volcanoes? NOTHING! There are also sunspots to consider. The number of sunspots has been correlated with the sun's temperature. ICYMI, the sun is the major driver of Earth's weather and climate, and indeed is responsible for life on the planet. What can we do about sunspots? Again, nothing. With the sizable impacts these natural forces and phenomena have on Earth's weather and climate, WHY are they never considered, let alone studied, when it comes to the subject of climate change? Why?

Eight, when one digs a bit on the man made climate change issue, WHY are the same solutions always proposed? Why is it, if we just pay higher taxes (or indulgences, if you please), we'll be fine?

Nine, when it comes to climate change, we're told to shut up; we're told that the science is settled. Uh, true science is NEVER settled! True science entails study, discussion, hypotheses, theories, and testing of the same; true science invites examination. In fact, it's only when "settled" science is challenged that true advancement takes place. Look at how Galileo challenged the Earth centric theory of the universe back in the 17th Century; thanks to his questioning of the "settled science" of his time, we were able to adopt the correct heliocentric model of the universe, and scientific knowledge advanced.

Ten, did you know that there was a warm period in England during Medieval times? Did you know that, during this time period, that VINEYARDS were in England? Did you know that this Medieval Warm Period occurred from 900-1300, AD? How could this be, though? Wasn't this literally CENTURIES BEFORE the Industrial Revolution? Wasn't this centuries before Man developed mechanized means of production and transportation? Therefore, wouldn't that mean that Man could not have been responsible for the Medieval Warm Period? Did anyone ever think about that?

Finally, the very first step of the scientific method is to define the problem. What is it? What is it not? How does this problem manifest itself? Under what circumstances does the problem manifest itself? And so on. That is to say that defining the problem is the crucial, foundational step; if the problem isn't correctly defined and understood, then any subsequent solution will be wrong.

04 December 2024

More about Her Body Count


I'm a fan of Terrence Popp, aka Redonkulas Regiment. He performs a VALUABLE public service! Wha is his public service? He warns men about the pitfalls of modern women, relationships, and marriage after having learned from experience; he does so with wit and humor. In the process, he's saved hundreds from taking their lives.

In this video, the Poppster was talking about body count; how it negatively impacts relationships; and he pointed out examples of publications shaming men for having reservations about body count. It's a good video, and I'd heartily recommend my five readers giving it a look; it's well worth your time, Fellas.

As I'm wont to do, I left a comment, a comment that was too good to leave buried in some video somewhere. Hence, I copied it, and I'm pasting my thoughts below. Enjoy both the video and my comment! Here's the video and my comment in response to it...


All I can say is AMEN! BTW, if you ask a woman her body count, she'll lie; on an instinctive level, she knows a high body count is bad. I don't know if I'd ask a woman directly, because I know that she'll lie. HOWEVER! However, her immediate, unfiltered reaction to the question could be revealing. A guy could also hint at having a wild past himself, and then seeing what she says; the key is to trick her into thinking that you're not virtuous yourself, and that you won't be judgemental. She might just tell enough about her past to give strong hints as to her body count.

Oh and Poppster, I think you're 100% right about college chicks, particularly if they were sorostitutes. I'm thinking of this young woman here, whose video went viral a few months ago: https://www.tiktok.com/@ryanspencer51/video/7369367273351466282

I did some digging (watched many of her TikToks and found her LinkedIN), and she's a college grad, club thot, and sorostitute all rolled into one! She's been in multiple situationships. And, when asked about body count, she bristles at the question; that alone tells you what you need to know, i.e. her body count is sky high. If you watch this recent video from her, watch what she says and how she says it: https://www.tiktok.com/@ryanspencer51/video/7439025990614994218

When it comes to body count, a guy doesn't even have to ask his girl about it at all. As the Fella once said, if you listen to women long enough, they'll eventually tell on themselves-how true it is.

Her friends are a good indicator too. If they are presently party girls or they were when they were younger, then the odds are the girl you're considering is too. After all, we're the sum of the five people we spend the most time with. Party girls have body counts. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

What I'm trying to say in so many words is that you're 100% RIGHT, Popp! You're 100% on target with everything you say here. Thanks again for doing men a much needed public service!